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Forts of Oblivion


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The less ruined fort? Um, is there some quest that specifically tells you to find a less ruined fort or something? Because everything I've ever seen, fort-wise, looks the same; a ruined fort. I've never seen one that looked "less" ruined. Why are you looking for it?

I need a less ruined fort for my little village, mod that im building. A nice looking fort will be just on the hill over looking my village. i have tryed remaking one but had no luck i am still trying to build one

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I would try using the architecture from either a town, or the various castles in the towns...give me a few minutes, and I'll see what I can cook up.


EDIT: Yep, all the castle pieces are in the Castle branch under WorldObjects (?) Static Architecture

thats ok i am happy what i made, but have a look at my post in the oblivion mods

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