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Using BOSS with Deadly Reflex

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BOSS is a bit off last time I used it for DR6. Here is what Skycaptain wrote about the load order(pasted below starting with [6.]). I use OBMM, but the same (I hope) should apply :huh: Also, you can (as far as I know) manually edit the load order after BOSS has been run (once again I don't use WryeBash :sweat: )


6. Use Oblivion Mod Manager (http://timeslip.chorrol.com/obmm_download.html) or Wrye bash (http://wrye.ufrealms.net/#WryeBash) to adjust your load order to look like following:



[all other ESM files]

[Horse Combat Master.esm]


[all other esps]

ONE Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block esp, if you want to use Timed Block



Deadly Reflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp


Edited by tttttt
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You can leave Deadly Reflex where BOSS places it with no ill effects. In fact BOSS will tag it properly for any imports that need to be made to your Bashed Patch. Currently only the Graphics tag is used. You can always add your own tags if you think it's necessary. Just make sure you have a good understanding of how mods, tags, overrides, and the Bashed Patch work before doing so. 99% of the time BOSS is accurate and there is no need to add tags unless you modify a mod.


However if you want to rearrange your LO, or place mods that are not recognized, you can use the Userlist function of the newer releases of BOSS 1.6x. You should always use the latest release. Documentation is included explaining the Userlist.

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