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Republic of New Carson - New town, guns, armor, quests and more!


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Hey guys, sorry for the double post, but for some reason I can't edit my old one. Just wonder how it goes, I figure you've taken some time off for the holidays, in which case Merry Christmas/Happy New Year/Happy Hanukkah and have a joyous Kwanzaa.


Also, would like to mention I probably do some voicing now, when you guys need it. Got me a shiny new headset for Christmas that's got killer sound quality on it, if I can find a decent recording program.

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Looks great. You certanily making a big accent about Lenin which is great, i wanted to ask you two things. Are you going to include any Stalin reference?

And also i would like to help out. Can do interiors, voice acting(from russia), and modify exteriors, always plenty on ideas and like working in a team. Should I pm you?(pretty dumb question, but i am still asking)


EDIT: Fallout 3 recently got a very good Russian weapons mod(many version of AKs and other) you may try to get someone port it over to Fallout New Vegas which would work pretty well with you socialist town ,atleast better when vanilla rifles.{not 100% sure(maybe like 45) hint}

Edited by DODZZ
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Working on this once again, still busy with exams but I've been able to get some work on it. I'm currently working on constructing navmeshes for all of the interiors. We also have a new member to the team (Disaster) who will be doing some modelling for us.


Don't have much to show, but here are some random screenshots of the inside of the apartment complex:











Edited by Stupideye
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