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Dialogue after quest stage?


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Hi Im working on a small quest that involes talking to mutiple npc's to complete. I was just wondering how to set it up so the next quest stage is only activated after a certain dialogue option then have new dialogue options the player can choose? ie the play can only advance after a speech check or they have to talk to someone else to unlock new options with the first npc. Also how do I set it up so the player can advance or complete the quest after killing a certain npc. any help would be great. cheers Edited by blazeda59
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Put setstage myquest xx where xx is the stage number, in the result script of your dialog. That will set the quest to stage xx when the line is spoken.

Then put a condition on the other dialog topics where getstage yourquest == xx. That way they will only be available during quest stage xx.


There are different ways you can do the killing NPC part. Easiest is a GameMode block that checks for


if mynpcref.getdead == 1



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There are different ways you can do the killing NPC part. Easiest is a GameMode block that checks for


if mynpcref.getdead == 1



I had a similar question. The gamemode block runs all the time, every few seconds. Is there a way to trigger something specifically when this npc dies, with some kind of trigger? This will avoid all these executions of the script.


I would like to have a quest advance when any NPC of a certain race (ghoul) is killed. So is there is a way to (a) trigger something on any NPC killed, and (b) to check the race of the NPC?

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