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<WIP> Female Power armor


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==UPDATES WILL BE POSTED IN THE NEWER POSTS== so remember to scroll down because I'm way to lazy to keep editing this one ;)



I have seen the request a hunderd times over, and decided to make some power armor,


seeing as I used to do quite a bit of modeling a while back, I figured i could make something, and started to work on it, at the same time trying to relearn the program,

right now working on a low poly mesh, might turn it into high poly later on for a normal map.


its loosly based upon a mix of the power armor in fallout, and some of the concepts for the game hellgate london.

I'm not working from any concepts and just adding things the moment the idea enters my mind.... so no clue how it will turn out, but any ideas or suggestions are ofcourse welcome.



my next steps will be to finish the legs, and add the rest of the torso, also I might have to bulk it up a litle, seeing as its a bit skinitight right now..


but at the moment I"m trying to work out how to add armor plating over the stomach that looks good, is real armor (so yea no skintight rubber suit...) and will not limit mobility...

so any ideas/suggestions on that are ofcourse welcome, as are ideas on how the spine should look,



I cannot be held responsible for brain damage caused by staring at them for to long.




Edited by dragonhunter
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this looks quite good, especially as an early WIP

i would love to see such a mod complete


as for the suggestions, well, armor plates for the stomach area isn't an easy thing (at least i can't find many ideas)

the first thing that i though of, was a set of scale-like metal plates, slightly overlapping (think about scales on dragons or such, not sure if it works this way on real reptiles)

this way, it could look rather good (it's kind of hard to picture, but you might be able to make it look good) and will also allow quite a good maneuverability


my other idea might be against what you've said, but i'm not sure

and that is basically an undersuit (not talking about kinky leather or something like that)

this way, it's more like how armor really is, which means that you have your clothing, and then the armor pieces worn over them

of course, if you make it look like a tight suit (like the chinese armor, then it would make sense (with the whole radiation proof concept, i mean)


can't wait to see how it progresses


you have my support, and i'm sure i'm one of many :thumbsup:


best of luck

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whooooa, beautiful! If this is even half as good as it looks now i'll definitely be wearing it when i go into combat! nice work!


EDIT: oh, and can i make a small suggestion? obviously, most power armors have helmets that go with them, but it always seems silly to me to release a female power armor with a helmet (not that i'm assuming you're going to). i, and likely most other people that play female characters do it so we can dress them up and look cool/hot while playing (i hope, maybe i'm just crazy). but a helmet blocks the entire face of the chick, so you may as well be a dude at that point. my idea was, instead of a helmet, what if it just came with a mask that covers only her mouth, sort of ninja-esque, like the rebreather, like this:




just a suggestion, take it or leave it! i'll be happy with whatever you decide on!

Edited by TallgeeseIV
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thanks for the replies already both of you,



my original idea was to make a helmet that you could choose to wear or not (like some of the mods on the nexus that make you able to mix and match outfits),

but it has the lowest priority of the whole armor because like you said a lot of people will not want to wear it anyway.


but thanks for the suggestion and keep them coming, can't promise I will be adding them, but suggestions are always welcome.



thanks for the suggestions, yes maybe a sort of scale mail like construction will work,

whe will be wearing a undersuit under the armor, probably some kind of leather, because like you said that's what you do, and I guess with all the radiation around its only more important to wear one, but you will only see it where there is space between the armor plates, (like back of the knee, her neck etc.)



I finished v1.0 of the boots, will be adding images of those soon, still working on the stomach area at the moment.

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my original idea was to make a helmet that you could choose to wear or not (like some of the mods on the nexus that make you able to mix and match outfits),

but it has the lowest priority of the whole armor because like you said a lot of people will not want to wear it anyway.


but thanks for the suggestion and keep them coming, can't promise I will be adding them, but suggestions are always welcome.


ah, that's a great way to do it too!

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I wonder if you're going to model it like Female Shepard in Mass Effect? It was feminine but also armored.


Good work in progress.




or if you're going in the opposite direction




I thought the same thing. FemShep's N7 armor ruuules. I actually have the model for the parts I used in ME2 ready to be put in FNV, i'm just really bad at skin modifiers so i'm gonna have to wait until I get more proficient at it... haha.

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okey a little update, finished the first version of the legs and boots, and also added the stomach armor, not happy with how it looks right now tho, so probably going to change it a again,


first off, mass effect 2 fem shepherd armor looks great yea, its a bit to high tech for what I had planned tho,made out of materials way beyond what I imagine they can create at this moment in the fallout universe... but might borrow some elements of it.


also I'm currently thinking about splitting the armor in 2 soon, creating a high tech brand new version, and a lower tech old pre war look, with battle scars and maybe a skull as shoulder pad etc. a bit like maybe it has been in the possession of raiders etc.

but seeing as that takes more work, I'm first just going to work on the newer version of the armor.....


and well here are the updated screen shots:


well so this are the boots then:



and the whole armor from the front:



and last but not least, the legs from the back


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nice tush!! :biggrin:


but seriously, the armor looks really good

i would hope that you will make at least a short sleeve version (it makes little sense to leave the hands exposed, right??) if not a full sleeve (like on the power armors and such)


as for the stomach area, i don't know what you see that i'm not seeing, but to me it looks really good

i'll tell you that, this might be the first power armor that my character is ever going to wear (i'm saving that specific character for when some mods are released, so i will gladly also wait for your mod)


i really can't find anything that i don't like about this armor, but if you think that something needs changing, and you are willing to work on that, i don't think anyone will object to that (after all, it's either you make something better, or you still have the amazing armor as it is, so no harm done :thumbsup:)


truly great work, and can't wait to see where you will be going with this

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