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<WIP> Female Power armor


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Their is a part between the breasts that looks subtly phallic to me though :confused: .


ow great thanks, now I will have to remake that part because I will not get that image out of my head...



i really can't find anything that i don't like about this armor, but if you think that something needs changing, and you are willing to work on that, i don't think anyone will object to that (after all, it's either you make something better, or you still have the amazing armor as it is, so no harm done :thumbsup:)


truly great work, and can't wait to see where you will be going with this


well thanks for the vote of confidence,

and well arms will be armored later on, can't work that fast. this armor is still a far way from being finished,

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well, i don't expect you to work that fast

but the mods that i am waiting for could take well over a month, before they will be released, so you can take all the time in the world

as long as the end result is as great as i think it will be, i wouldn't mind waiting for as long as i have to


and really thanks to scruples, for burning a picture into all our minds (and not a lovely picture either :biggrin:)

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okey well last update for today probably,


first of all I changed the chest area a bit, since scrubles has to much imagination....

and also I added the first version of the back,


would love some feedback on both, with suggestions/ideas on how to improve them, reached a bit of a dead end at the moment, might be because I stared at it for to long, but still any ideas/suggestions are always welcome, and if you notice any mistakes also feel free to point them out...



next update will probaly be the arms, if I can get some good ideas that is..


and here are the images:



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holy flying deathclaws!!! :biggrin:


this armor looks just freaking amazing!!

the little change you did between the breasts has given it a much better look, i think

it just looks freaking awesome like this


the armor looks like an armored latex suit or something (what i mean is that it doesn't look bulky and awkward as a power armor, but something that just flows with your body, and it actually very maneuverable)


this looks so good, i don't think you can make it any better (not considering a higher poly and textures, of course :thumbsup:)


quite frankly, i have no ideas on how you could make the arms

i think that just like with the stomach area, just go with your instinct and mind, and we will be able to suggest how to make it better (it's really hard to just imagine how something would look, so it's rather difficult to suggest an idea, at least for me)


one thing that you probably have already decided yourself, is that the arms must fit the armor in style, which probably means no bulky metal plates or something like what you'll get on a power armor, or the Legion Centurion armor or such (meaning that the arm sections should be smooth and agile, just like the rest of the armor)


can't wait to see what you'll come up with :thumbsup:

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thanks for the reply again both of you :)


scruples, just doing 3d for the fun of it, did quite a bit of 3d years ago, for games like Jedi Academy, and some others games, but haven't really created anything in years,

so figured I could give it a try again, and seems I haven't forgot everything yet.... still have to practice with using sculpting programs for creating the high poly version tho, have totally no experience with those. so any tips&tricks you have, or good tutorials on that are welcome...

also in your armor topic you said you have mirrored UV's on your armor,, but read somewhere else those can give problems with your normal map?


and wasteland assassin? holy flying deathclaws.... is that something like a deathclaw in a nuns outfit with wings and a halo?

Edited by dragonhunter
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Mirrored Uv's for normals used to be a problem (and still is in some older games), but most games now detect something called a UV winding order, and can compensate for flipped normal directions...if thats what you meant.


Most comprehensive collection of knowledge regarding normal maps http://wiki.polycount.com/NormalMap

I realize you know what they are but it still has some gems like "all uv map edges should be on a hardedge, otherwise you will get a seam".


It might be a good idea to bake the normals in Xnormal, it has the best normal map creator right now.

(Zbrush is the worst, Maya's is barely ok, Max bake is overcomplicated, mediocre in quality)


Oh yeah, its free and can handle upwards of 4million triangles...will also bake out ambient occlusion maps, cavity maps, vertex color maps, curvature maps, etc all at the same time!.

http://www.xnormal.net/1.aspx so I highly recommend Xnormal.


Use Zbrush, avoid Mudbox for now, it is much more limited for high-poly.

You might want to get this when it comes out, I have the 1st edition and it taught me basically everything.



Use the plugins for Zbrush, they are some of its most powerful tools, (UV master, Zapplink, etc)


I use Zbrush UV master for unwrapping, but Roadkill UV used to be my favorite and is almost as good imo, also FREE (UV master is just more convenient cause it does the UV island cuts for you)

Their is a front-end for Roadkill called TexTools for 3dsMax if you use max, also highly recommended.




If you use photoshop theres this for normal maps, its a free plugin for creating normal maps within photoshop. http://www.cgted.com/.


I think I am rambling a bit, I'll stop now.

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Mirrored Uv's for normals used to be a problem (and still is in some older games), but most games now detect something called a UV winding order, and can compensate for flipped normal directions...if thats what you meant.

yes thats what I ment, so mirrored uvs are no problem then? thats good to know :)


and yes I already got xnormal, because I wanted a easier way to generate maps (after reading some tutorials and noticing how complicated it is in max) so good to know I got the right tool then :)


so you would suggest uv mapping the model in zbrush then? thats also good to know, used to do it in max, but I guess will give zbrush a try also..

and thanks for the links to the plugins I'm sure they will come in handy :)

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and wasteland assassin? holy flying deathclaws.... is that something like a deathclaw in a nuns outfit with wings and a halo?


i had it more in mind of the rain of burning dogs in the Sheogorath quest in Oblivion

but i also like this idea

i'll try to either get that picture out of my mind, or actually make the picture (that would probably be hillarious :biggrin:)

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