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<WIP> Female Power armor


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made a start on the arms, no detail on them yet, and not totaly happy with the shapes, but well figured I might as well update this post so everyone knows i'm still working hard on this.....


Gorgeooous. I'm excited!

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made a start on the arms, no detail on them yet, and not totaly happy with the shapes, but well figured I might as well update this post so everyone knows i'm still working hard on this.....


Looking good so far! Why not put hydraulic struts on the arms as well, they're powered, aren't they? One other suggestion I have is to add some sort of spine to the back, the suit shouldn't have to rely on the wearer to support it's weight or it's kinda defeating its purpose in my book. Oh, and are you gonna be adding some sort of back pack for power/air and such?

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Hello dragonhunter, I created a thread asking for female power armor and you directed me here, and DAMNIT MAN THAT IS BEAUTIFUL...sorry got a little excited.


Please tell me this is going to actually happen, there was a site I used to frequent that had a fem PA WIP (actually it had two of them) that just kind of died (now the site is dead too) and I was soo dissapointed. Any idea as to how soon I can get my hands on this, no rush or anything just curious.


Anyways this looks fantastic, can't wait for release, keep up the awesome work.


Oh couple of suggestions...


If you add a backpack like r4y30n mentioned please make it something you equip yourself in the backpack slot.


I also agree with r4y30n on the spine thing, there should be a spine to A: help support and B: add a little to the overall look.


Last but not least, some kind of belt, like maybe two belts crossed hanging slightly lower than the waistline. If you throw something like that in the leather will act as a contrast to all the metal. Also the crossed belts thing hangs down a little but doesn't fal off because it is caught on her hips, which halps accentuate the female curves.

Edited by ivenoname
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Last but not least, some kind of belt, like maybe two belts crossed hanging slightly lower than the waistline. If you throw something like that in the leather will act as a contrast to all the metal. Also the crossed belts thing hangs down a little but doesn't fal off because it is caught on her hips, which halps accentuate the female curves.


Actually, given that idea, it could be cool to add a leather/fur mantle like on the NCR armor and maybe a loin cloth like on the Midwest PA being worked on elsewhere... That power armor could also be leaned on for helmet inspiration since it seems to be more of a form-fitting suit like this one than the walking tanks of the T-45 and T-51.

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I think the loincloth would work better as say a kind of skirt instead, think like the clone troopers from Star Wars. Normally I love long flowing capes and skirts but the fact that they are all completely static (stupid physics) make me shy away from that kind of stuff in FO and OB...just me though. Even still you could st that kind of stuff as addons to the armor to more personalize it, options are always nice.


Where can I find this midwest PA, I am interested.


Nevermind, I found it, it looks good but I like this one sooooo much more...umm better.

Edited by ivenoname
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Looking good so far! Why not put hydraulic struts on the arms as well, they're powered, aren't they? One other suggestion I have is to add some sort of spine to the back, the suit shouldn't have to rely on the wearer to support it's weight or it's kinda defeating its purpose in my book. Oh, and are you gonna be adding some sort of back pack for power/air and such?


okey thanks for the ideas, the arms are not finished yet, might add some hydraulics, worried it might bulk them up to much tho, but maybe on the outside of the armor plates... also a spine will be added later on,


hadn't thougt about a backpack yet, might add one, but its on the bottom of my list right under the helmet.... first want to get the rest of the armor to work and look good.



Please tell me this is going to actually happen, there was a site I used to frequent that had a fem PA WIP (actually it had two of them) that just kind of died (now the site is dead too) and I was soo dissapointed. Any idea as to how soon I can get my hands on this, no rush or anything just curious.


well its still a work in progress, no clue how long it will take me until I can release it, but it will be a while, a few weeks probably. depending on the amount of free time I have...


Last but not least, some kind of belt, like maybe two belts crossed hanging slightly lower than the waistline. If you throw something like that in the leather will act as a contrast to all the metal. Also the crossed belts thing hangs down a little but doesn't fal off because it is caught on her hips, which halps accentuate the female curves.


I like the idea of the belts, also the loincloth might be nice.or more as half a skirt. (could hang it from 1 belt, and then cross the other belt over it, that will probably look great :)

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