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<WIP> Female Power armor


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Nice work.. an yesh i can see the shoulders lacking for someones taste.. being mostly rounded about.. .. to be honest.. i think the work sofar is trully splended..


i can add a few ideas but not for me.. i mean merely suggestions to add more detail without the work.. like a thicker flange around the elbow pads.. uhm.. a two part shoulder plate like ivenoname suggested.. if not that particular style well then theres many to choose from but just those two minor changes would add a little more definition.. an maybe a hose on back or two as a breathing /filter type apperatise but if me.. forget that.. but i really dont want to change the look so much.. kinda fond of it.. being slim-line an all.. .. take care Dragon *waves* :thumbsup: looks fantastic~!

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...and being female PA I think mobility trumps strength a little bit.


Makes me wonder what the specs will look like... Certainly not as heavy as any of the power armor currently in game, but perhaps not as high of a DT either?


Yeah I always imagined Female PA to increase agility and speed more-so than power and defense. As you know (not being sexist, being a realist) Females tend to be weaker but more flexible and agile, where-as Males tend to be stronger and more sturdy. Now as for how this wil translate in game I could not say. Increasing speed and agility in FO doesn't seem to work very well, or is very limited in what it can actually do. It also increasing run speed and jump height would only make a difference in certain situations.


At the very least we get a good looking female PA that has the illusion of increased agility.


However this ends up so far it looks great and I believe it can only get better, keep up the awesome work dragonhunter.

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...and being female PA I think mobility trumps strength a little bit.


Makes me wonder what the specs will look like... Certainly not as heavy as any of the power armor currently in game, but perhaps not as high of a DT either?


Yeah I always imagined Female PA to increase agility and speed more-so than power and defense. As you know (not being sexist, being a realist) Females tend to be weaker but more flexible and agile, where-as Males tend to be stronger and more sturdy. Now as for how this wil translate in game I could not say. Increasing speed and agility in FO doesn't seem to work very well, or is very limited in what it can actually do. It also increasing run speed and jump height would only make a difference in certain situations.


At the very least we get a good looking female PA that has the illusion of increased agility.


However this ends up so far it looks great and I believe it can only get better, keep up the awesome work dragonhunter.


I hadn't thought of the stats but you're right, increased agility would make sense. along with increasing the run speed and jump height, it's also possible with NVSE to decrease reload time and increase firing rate of whatever weapon you're using. maybe add that as well?

Edited by TallgeeseIV
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Yeah I always imagined Female PA to increase agility and speed more-so than power and defense. As you know (not being sexist, being a realist) Females tend to be weaker but more flexible and agile, where-as Males tend to be stronger and more sturdy. Now as for how this wil translate in game I could not say. Increasing speed and agility in FO doesn't seem to work very well, or is very limited in what it can actually do. It also increasing run speed and jump height would only make a difference in certain situations.


At the very least we get a good looking female PA that has the illusion of increased agility.


However this ends up so far it looks great and I believe it can only get better, keep up the awesome work dragonhunter.


I hadn't thought of the stats but you're right, increased agility would make sense. along with increasing the run speed and jump height, it's also possible with NVSE to decrease reload time and increase firing rate of whatever weapon you're using. maybe add that as well?


Reload rate, sure; fire rate, no. At least not with automatic weapons since clothing should have no effect on the working internals of the weapon, but then again, it might make sense if you could limit it to only bolt/pump/semi-auto weapons. And modding movement speed has been done, as with the Powered Power Armor mod, but I think limiting it to run speed multiplication would make a bit more sense as well as not making the walk animations look silly. Furthermore, it would be great if NVSE could allow the armor to keep equipped weapons from slowing you down, as you will notice when drawing a heavy weapon you usually slow by 5% or so. As for jump height, I've heard there are issues modding it, but workarounds, too...

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Yeah I always imagined Female PA to increase agility and speed more-so than power and defense. As you know (not being sexist, being a realist) Females tend to be weaker but more flexible and agile, where-as Males tend to be stronger and more sturdy. Now as for how this wil translate in game I could not say. Increasing speed and agility in FO doesn't seem to work very well, or is very limited in what it can actually do. It also increasing run speed and jump height would only make a difference in certain situations.


At the very least we get a good looking female PA that has the illusion of increased agility.


However this ends up so far it looks great and I believe it can only get better, keep up the awesome work dragonhunter.


I hadn't thought of the stats but you're right, increased agility would make sense. along with increasing the run speed and jump height, it's also possible with NVSE to decrease reload time and increase firing rate of whatever weapon you're using. maybe add that as well?


Reload rate, sure; fire rate, no. At least not with automatic weapons since clothing should have no effect on the working internals of the weapon, but then again, it might make sense if you could limit it to only bolt/pump/semi-auto weapons. And modding movement speed has been done, as with the Powered Power Armor mod, but I think limiting it to run speed multiplication would make a bit more sense as well as not making the walk animations look silly. Furthermore, it would be great if NVSE could allow the armor to keep equipped weapons from slowing you down, as you will notice when drawing a heavy weapon you usually slow by 5% or so. As for jump height, I've heard there are issues modding it, but workarounds, too...


Ooooooh yeah, I like the idea of not being encumbered by your weapon, that sounds awesome...good call. Now that I think about it if we could get it to also reduce sway when standing/moving to what it is when kneeling it would be awesome.


With increasing the run speed the only mods I have seen doing this (FO3 mods haven't checked NV yet) do it by increasing the game speed, which is why I said they don't work too well. If it can actually increase characters speed but keep the game at the normal rate that would be fantastic.

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Yeah I always imagined Female PA to increase agility and speed more-so than power and defense. As you know (not being sexist, being a realist) Females tend to be weaker but more flexible and agile, where-as Males tend to be stronger and more sturdy. Now as for how this wil translate in game I could not say. Increasing speed and agility in FO doesn't seem to work very well, or is very limited in what it can actually do. It also increasing run speed and jump height would only make a difference in certain situations.


At the very least we get a good looking female PA that has the illusion of increased agility.


However this ends up so far it looks great and I believe it can only get better, keep up the awesome work dragonhunter.


I hadn't thought of the stats but you're right, increased agility would make sense. along with increasing the run speed and jump height, it's also possible with NVSE to decrease reload time and increase firing rate of whatever weapon you're using. maybe add that as well?


Reload rate, sure; fire rate, no. At least not with automatic weapons since clothing should have no effect on the working internals of the weapon, but then again, it might make sense if you could limit it to only bolt/pump/semi-auto weapons. And modding movement speed has been done, as with the Powered Power Armor mod, but I think limiting it to run speed multiplication would make a bit more sense as well as not making the walk animations look silly. Furthermore, it would be great if NVSE could allow the armor to keep equipped weapons from slowing you down, as you will notice when drawing a heavy weapon you usually slow by 5% or so. As for jump height, I've heard there are issues modding it, but workarounds, too...


Ooooooh yeah, I like the idea of not being encumbered by your weapon, that sounds awesome...good call. Now that I think about it if we could get it to also reduce sway when standing/moving to what it is when kneeling it would be awesome.


With increasing the run speed the only mods I have seen doing this (FO3 mods haven't checked NV yet) do it by increasing the game speed, which is why I said they don't work too well. If it can actually increase characters speed but keep the game at the normal rate that would be fantastic.


increasing the run speed is actually insanely easy to script. it's one line with NVSE that you put in the OnEquip block of an object script. then you have it set it to the default value in the OnUnequip block. i could be mistaken, i don't have the geck open right now to check but i believe it's "SetActorValue SpeedMult (any number over 100 for faster, under 100 for slower)

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And it's "RunSpeedMult" for modifying run speed only. I messed with that one in the geck for FO3 sans NVSE when attempting my own power armor overhaul (amid the dozens out there).


ahh, that's not the one i've been using... here's the exact script i used for anyone else interested.


Begin OnEquip player

player.setav SpeedMult 200  ; 200% run speed
con_SetGameSetting fJumpHeightMin 128  ; 200% jump height


Begin OnUnequip player

player.setav SpeedMult 100  ; default run speed
con_SetGameSetting fJumpHeightMin 64  ; default jump height


Edited by TallgeeseIV
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