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Vault Suit with Shirt and Jacket


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I'm at my wits end trying to create what I imagine is a simple Nifskope procedure, so I gave in and am now asking you lot to help me. Basically what I'm looking for is outfit like this




Which comes without the bandoleer in the Nexus version, but with the pants from this




And some fingerless gloves from the Merc Adventuerer to finish it off.


I hope this isnt too much to ask for you lovely people, and I know this isn't a very important mod, but if anyone is willing to create it I would be overjoyed and delighted.



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As the author of both those mods I can probably help.

So just so I'm clear with what you are wanting before I start:
Shirt from here - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18553/? what colour?

Jacker from here - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18553/? in what colour?

no bandoleer ?
Belt - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20387/?

Pants - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20387/? with or without the brown armored parts?

Sneakers - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20387/? - What colour?

gloves from merc adventurer

What gender would you prefer me to make it for? (Since making both genders is twice as much work)

Edited by flamenx01
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Oh sweet, thanks man!


The shirt can just be plain white, and the Jacket can just be the plain green it is too, or an optional leathery brown, if you could do both as separate files that would be amazing.


No bandoleer, just the jacket on its own.


The belt from the vault suit would be perfect, I prefer it over the Tobar one, though the shirt can cover most of it if it doesn't fit right, I'm not the biggest fan of those little side armor pouch things.


The pants could can be plain, just with the knee pad, though would you be able to make them a little longer so they don't have that really annoying gap between the sneaker and the pants leg, kinda like this.




The sneakers can just be Red that's totally fine, though if they can be made a little shorter, and more into shoes and less like boots by covering with above said pants, that would be incredible.


And finally in Male please.


I know some of this might be a bit of a stretch, but if any of it can be done I would be eternally grateful, especially from your good self who I've seen many amazing outfits come out of.



Edited by grogpole
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Here's the mesh so far:


and a playable download:

I'll do the textures for the jacket later.

I also might do a female version and release it since it turned out really nice.

Also check the name and stats and see if you are happy with them (currently it has the 24 DR of leather armor and the +1 CHR and +5 Small guns of the duster)

Edit: Located just to your left as you exit vault 101 in a box

Edited by flamenx01
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It's friggin' Perfect!


I am in love with this armor, thank you sooooo much, this is more than I could have possibly wanted, your the best!


EDIT: I know this is gonna seem like even more of a stretch, but would it be possible to make the shirt a dark brown kinda like this but maybe a little lighter brown, washed out look.




and would it be possible to make the coat shorter so it comes up to just below the belt? To make it seem like more of a jacket and less of a coat, also you could just move the bottom pockets higher up and I guess the top ones could just be removed.


I know that's probably pushing it, and if you can't or don't want too that's totally fine, considering how very kind you were to make this for me, but if its not to trouble to do so I would be overjoyed, not that the outfit isn't perfect already :smile:

Edited by grogpole
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Recolouring the shirt is easy but changing the jacket mesh would be a lot of work and I probably would have trouble getting it to look good. I had a quick go at changing the mesh but so much of it would need to be redone and I don't really have the time/skill for that level of work.

I'm still happy to do the retextures though.

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That's totally fine don't worry, thanks for trying anyhow.


Retextures would be awesome though, the current one is perfectly fine, I'd just like to see how it would look 'recoloured' is all.


The green coat could go with the brown shirt and the brown jacket could go with the white shirt, just to see how it would look I guess.


Again, thanks for this, this is really cool of you to take the time to make this for some random stranger :smile:


EDIT: And would you be able to rename it to Wasteland Survivor?

Edited by grogpole
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