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will theese mods work together?


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hello im new:) ok so ive used mods before and havent had any trouble in the past. i used to just use the make it pretty mod pack (years ago) and francesco's leveled creatures and new items mod (4.5b) and it was great. now i want to replay using qarls high res textures 3 (with 1.3 patch) the above mentoned francesco's leveled creatures and new itmes, natural enviroments (latest version) and the landscape LOD texture replacement (including the borders and normal maps....all the latest versions) is this possible? if it is in what order do i install them? do i run bsa patcher after i have install all of them? is there anything elese i shouls know?



any help would be so great :)



happy gaimg and happy xmas!

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You read all the relevant information on the site I linked, and the links from that site, in about 2 hours?! Amazing, you must be some sort of speed reader phenom. Otherwise it's nigh impossible to read and understand all of that information. Oh, I think you missed a section or ten, Installing Mods, since it covers the order you should install mods in.


I've been using that site for a very long time now and I still stumble across new information that I've missed before.


Trust me, if you actually read the information I linked you to, don't skim over it, you will find all the answers you are looking for.

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