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I'm curious to know why and what other people are thinking when confronted by Morrigan and the DR offer.


Do you accept her offer simply because you don't want your character to die and do you give serious thought to the repercussions of accepting?


Most times I accept because I don't want anyone to die and I often feel conned into becoming a GW (unless I'm a Dalish Elf) as for repercussions I always think, I'll deal with those if and when they ever happen.

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Across many plays, I may accept her offer for many reasons...

  • Grudge ****
  • I don't want to die
  • I don't want a companion to die (not that it wouldn't give me a little peace and quiet)
  • I don't want to bring Rogain into the party and/or I don't want Alistair to whine off into the sunset


What repercussions? I don't see my child grow up? (My ex-wife managed that without a court of law.) It offers nothing I haven't seen before and nothing that I will never see again so I play it according to how I am playing that particular character (90% of the time, he dies.)

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Well, as I have posted before, I find Morrigan the most interesting of all the Companions. (And as I've acknowledged; since in many of her attitudes and ways of expressing herself she resembles my RL sweetie of over 30 years now, I may be... favourably predisposed!)


Despite Morri's caustic demeanor, she has been both steadfast in her support (even if she disapproves) and determined in her own objectives throughout (which is more than you can say for Alistair!) And she has always made it clear that she "has her own reasons..." and will place them ahead of you and yours.


So when it comes down to the decision, (and presuming one believes that the DR will not, in fact, conceive an Abomination of an OGB!) then I don't have a real problem agreeing. My reluctance is due to her leaving (me) regardless. And for me, her expressions of doubt and "longing for what might have been" that can occur afterwards, (depending on your Party and Dialogue selections) only make the denoument more poignant. I certainly had my strongest emotional reaction to any single in-game occurence during my very first playthrough when I read her second Epilogue Slide with her ring still on my (Warden's) hand.


And I had my second strongest reaction at the end of my second Witch Hunt playthrough with a Warden who had denied her the DR. (I think that was my "Need the trophy, let Big Al slay the AD..." PC :laugh: )


When my Warden walked back to the Party after Morrigan had stepped through the Eluvian, knowing that it really was over now, watched the others drift away, then turned and barely nodded to Dog, "Let's go..." THAT was an amazing, wordless scene!

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I didn't know you could bring Riordan into the party or have I misunderstood that bit?

Not "Riordan", "Rogain" It's a play on the drug name and the Regent's... high forehead?

(I think. Could just be a typo... :laugh: )

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Not "Riordan", "Rogain" It's a play on the drug name and the Regent's... high forehead?

(I think. Could just be a typo... :laugh: )


I always took it as a play on his lack of manhood and self-confidence. I have a rather nasty bald spot and never had the desire to use the ****, Patrick Stewart wears his well (or should I say the lack thereof), Bruce Willis shaved the rest of it off - it's a bald thing, but it's a manhood thing too. A confidant man doesn't need to state what he is, he just is - Rogain...err... Loghain always has to blow his own horn (rub that crap into his head) because he is not the man he thinks he is but feels the need to make others think so. But then again, my work all night roommate dragged me off to the bar this morning for breakfast so I could be way off base with this :rolleyes: :pinch:

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Yep I misunderstood that, eyes see one thing, brain sees another :wacko:


My son has been shaving his head for the past 4 years and he's only 29, I still don't think it looks good with a pin stripe, so bald's OK who's to know the reasons why unless you tell anyone, like here :laugh:


When I killed 3 AD's in 1 night last week, the first time I've ever been able to face the US, lets just say it's a good job I keep tissues under my desk and no one is looking in my direction. I was surprised at the real emotions this game stirs up, even now after so many playthroughs, I thought I was read for it, but seeing my GW lying there and the eulogy. On the upside I did get 3 trophies and I didn't think I would get any more.

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The DR is a means to the end. What end? We will find out later. I like living and I believe that if I have a chance, a small chance of living a relative normal life, then I will take it. Besides it's a wardeny (that's my new word :biggrin: ) thing to do
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I didn't know you could bring Riordan into the party or have I misunderstood that bit?

Not "Riordan", "Rogain" It's a play on the drug name and the Regent's... high forehead?

(I think. Could just be a typo... :laugh: )

I started saying it as a play on his name. Loghain, Rogain, just to make fun of him.


As for the Rit- My forst couple of playthru's it was cause I believed that the kid would have a purpose further along down the road, if later adventures came out. Wow... how BW disappointed me there!!!

Also yeah, didnt wanna get killed.

Didnt wanna see Morrigan leave.

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I'm curious to know why and what other people are thinking when confronted by Morrigan and the DR offer.


Do you accept her offer simply because you don't want your character to die and do you give serious thought to the repercussions of accepting?


Most times I accept because I don't want anyone to die and I often feel conned into becoming a GW (unless I'm a Dalish Elf) as for repercussions I always think, I'll deal with those if and when they ever happen.

That depend on which gender I play.


As male warden, I always drawn to Morrigan. Don't ask me. I don't understand that myself either. She hurt me with her refusal to discuss/accept love and she dumps me after all I've done. Many times I just wish I could strangle her but she keep coming back, making me hate myself for falling for her. Would I accept her DR offer? Certainly.


1. I look forward for something to remember.

2. Morrigan and my son will be my sole reason not to sacrifice myself. I don't want it to end like that, even if I have to create my own story for it.


If I play as female warden, it's a bit tricky. I do not know how female's view and understand precisely their feeling. However, DR is not an option for me.


1. I am selfish and I do not share romance partner even if it could cost me my own life.

2. There's nothing left and reason to continue the story. Bioware's will ends the story in one way or other. Their story is about DA's world and not about the characters. So don't get carried too much with future Hawke in DA2. You will not see him/her in DA3 or 4 or 5. Just like you will not see your warden in DA2. There is no character expansion. There is only one small world of Dragon Age.

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