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I agree completely the whole thing sucks, I can only assume the writer is a miserable bugger or was when he wrote the script and wanted to bring everyone down one way or another and he seems to delight in adding insult on to injury ... all hail Thandal's cheat :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I didn't mind the hard choices during the game, but the closer it got to the end the worse it got in my opinion.


If it wasn't for the mods I wouldn't have enjoyed this game and would never have finished the first play though, swearing never to play another BW game, if all future BW and Mr Gaider games are going to have the same depressing endings as this one, I will be buying them.


That's what Gaider wants to do, to drink our tears and sacrifice many kittens :laugh:

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I agree completely the whole thing sucks, I can only assume the writer is a miserable bugger or was when he wrote the script and wanted to bring everyone down one way or another and he seems to delight in adding insult on to injury ... all hail Thandal's cheat :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I didn't mind the hard choices during the game, but the closer it got to the end the worse it got in my opinion.


If it wasn't for the mods I wouldn't have enjoyed this game and would never have finished the first play though, swearing never to play another BW game, if all future BW and Mr Gaider games are going to have the same depressing endings as this one, I will be buying them.


That's what Gaider wants to do, to drink our tears and sacrifice many kittens :laugh:


Damned right, I wonder who ate his kitten then, maybe the idea wasn't his it could be some miserable old git in the back office or in the board room or somewhere in between :laugh:


He won't be drinking my tears for much longer if he keeps writing miserable endings like this, to go through this game without some serious mods isn't worth it. I wonder what torture he's thought up for the DA2, maybe if he gets a new kitten for Christmas it will lighten his mood a bit and we won't have to prostitute ourselves or pimp out loved out to stay alive.

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My interest has been awakened. Do tell me more of this "cheat".

Ok, as I said, this is to get the "Happy Ending" that D. Gaider, et al, specifically wrote the game to deny you...



1. Have executed Loghain at the end of the Landsmeet.


2. Have left Alistair at the Gates of Denerim during the Siege.


3. Make a Save just before opening the door onto the rooftop of Ft. Drakon.


4. Exit the game completely.


5. Start the game with the Consol enabled.

(To start the game with the Console enabled, use the following entry in a shortcut: [ "daorgins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole ]


6. Load that last Save you made at the rooftop door.


7. When the AD is (as) close to defeated (as you feel it necessary to ensure victory),

Activate the Console.

(To activate the Console in-game press the tilde, "~" key .)


8. Type the following command into the Console: "runscript zz_addparty Loghain".

(Note: Unless you have installed the mod "Make Console Commands Visible", you will NOT be able to see what you're typing! :tongue: )


Voilá! One new (resurrected, and apparently already Joined) Grey Warden on-hand.


9. When the AD drops, Loghain will approach you and request that he be allowed to strike the final blow. A request you are quite willing to grant!



If Anora is present at the coronation (in any capacity) she will ask one disconcerting question about what happened. Alistair will also ask, but one of the available responses fits so well that it made laugh.


And there you are:

DR denied, Alistair King (or not), and your Warden alive to celebrate being hailed as "The Hero of Ferelden"! :laugh:

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My interest has been awakened. Do tell me more of this "cheat".

Ok, as I said, this is to get the "Happy Ending" that D. Gaider, et al, specifically wrote the game to deny you...:

Oh ho hoo, that's sneaky :tongue:


I'll keep that in mind, if I one day get enough moral troubles to replay the ending for my main character.

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If you want to be doubly sneaky and you want to take Alistair with you, before going out on the roof use the 'anytime party picker' mod and swap Alistair out for someone else, then bring in Loghain. I recently tried taking Alistair onto the roof with Loghain, but it doesn't work Alistair still makes the US. :sad:
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OOO I cant wait to try Thandal"s cheat!

On my first playthru I also thought i woudl jus t make the US but alistair did it , and of course i had lost him anyways to kingship but i was still bitter [ i didnt know anything about hardening!] and terribly sad, I would have preferred death to struggling to live with the pain of both losses [ his love and his life so to speak]

so the next time i let the DR go thru to have the happy ending, once i left AL at the gate and took the US, but now i really can have my cake and eat it too! I remember someone posting they used a ring that changed them into male and did the dr anyways..... with themselves ? well I havent managed to g et that to work, altho it might be hilarious, to pull that wool over her eyes. YES I do like the Morrigan character but i agree with Ell that statement in the bedroom in front of u about enjoying her sex, well.. that was cold.

LOL while it may be true in the sense , feels good, lights out dont think abotu it.... GRRRR no, im still mad LOL

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Awww, I have the same memories from my first playthrough, at least you soldiered on and finished the game I didn't I just stopped playing completely for about 2 months, discovered Nexus and mods so I started a new game it must have been about 6 months before I finally decided to load that game from before the landsmeet and finish it.
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  • 1 year later...

Warden one, I decided to reject the offer, and took Loghain as a Warden so as not to lose anything of value. Then I remembered that I like to use Morrigan in combat. FUUUUUUUUUUU!


Warden two, I did reject the offer, and Morrigan took off with the Juggernaut armor I could have either used or sold. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!


Anyway, third Warden was kind of a hound, fourth was pragmatic, fifth was banging her anyway, sixth I think made Alistair do it, but I don't remember. At any rate, he was another scarily pragmatic type. Seventh... I think if I ever get around to getting that far with him, I'll make Alistair do it again, since I've already planned for this guy's (possible but unlikely, considering the Taint) kids to be of royal blood and all that.

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