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FO3 - FNV Mod Complication


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I am trying to use this savegame for my character Margo


He/she states that if you would like to make your character look like the images he displayed you have to install Lings Coiffure & Josef Grey's Makeup Face Retexture. Now I have been able to locate Lings Coiffure, however Josef Grey's only exists on the Fallout 3 Nexus. When I install Josef Grey's Makeup Face Retexture to my FONV data folder & try to start FONV my game crashes. I am assuming this is because Josef Grey's was created for FO3 & not FONV. So there must be some sort of conflicting data somewhere. What am I missing? Is there some way to integrate mods from FO3 to FONV without it crashing the game? I know this probably seems like a really dumb question, but I am pretty new to all this so thanks for your patience.

Edited by benny00000
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Josefgray's face texture is simply that, a face texture that must overwrite old facial textures. I'm hoping you are using FOMM and have set ArchiveInvalidation so that older textures are invalidated? Otherwise, it isn't going to work properly although even then, it shouldn't be crashing. You did download Lings from Fallout 3 Nexus and the esp from New Vegas Nexus right? Well anyway, here is FOMM. Install that then open it up and select New Vegas as the game to be managed. Under Tools, set ArchiveInvalidation, then look at your load order. FalloutNV.esm should be the first one loaded, Lings most likely next or whatever else you have that are .esm files. If it doesn't work, just post back and I'll try to assist you in a timely manner.
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