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Better Smoke and Ballistics


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Basically this mod is going to get rid of that stupid wispy smoke that floats out of the ground and put my thick, foggy smoke in its place. It will also reduce the size of muzzleflashes and tracers, not enough to be ultra-realistic but enough to make it look better. I'm also probably going to make the projectiles move faster.


Video of new smoke effects on the AM rifle, Caravan Shotty and LMG:

Edited by Toasty Fresh
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Ran into a temporary setback. Turns out my mod isn't compatible with WME. I'll upload the as-is version in a few minutes, and with a little luck the WME-compatible version will be complete by tonight.


Vanilla version released: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38550

Edited by Toasty Fresh
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