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Problems using xbox360 emulator with ketboard controls!


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Ok, so i use a program called JoyToKey to play with an xbox360 controller. This has always worked pretty good up until i downloaded the Deadly Reflexes BETA v6 mod. I manually installed and then activated with obmm. i screwed up something and the mod ended up not working, and when deactivated the mod would still interfere with my 1st person animations. Shortly after i started experiencing game crashes when i would start up. so i uninstalled, deleted all my data files and files under the My Games directory. after i reinstalled everything worked fine, so i continued to extract my mods again (no deadly reflexes of course). now when i use certain buttons on the controller ( A-jump, X-activate, ect.) two things happen at once. if i jump, i'll jump and sneak at the same time. ready weapon and jump same time, ect. I can still use the keyboard and mouse to play regularly but its easier for me to use the controller as i have a laptop. Well, if anyone has anyone suggestions or ideas let me know. I didn't know whether to post this in the deadly reflexes forum or what because im not sure if the problems coming from oblivion or JoyToKey? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks
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