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Sheogorath Model Missing


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Basically I have a modded race that lets me always have life detect, I can see him through that but not by anything else.


If I try to talk to him he zooms through the text and the game crashes, if I shoot him I instantly crash.


Tried reinstalling... Any idea on how I could fix this wouldn't changing any of my mods (They are all how I like them right now, know its not a load order issue)

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It sounds like perhaps Sheogorath's textures are all missing, or he has a bad replacement mesh. You can try deleting them or renaming-to-disable them so that there will be a reversion to vanilla Shivering Isles in that aspect.


It sounds like you have bad mods somewhere if you always get crashes when leaving the Shivering Isles. You may even have bad mods messing up Sheogorath. You could systematically remove groups of mods until the problems go away to isolate the problem mods.

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