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[Almost Done] Immersive Daedric Rewards


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first of all, no that is not what I am going to call the mod.


Anyways, long ago I made this mod for myself that gives the player other rewards next to the - at times - useless daedric artefacts you get from the daedra lords:


"gee thanks, clavicus vile, thank you for this ugly mask with the crappy enchantment that I am never going to use..."

" thanks, molag, but I am a mage, guess that mace is going to look great in that weapon rack, though."


If you can relate than this might be for you:


At the present time, the mod makes it so in addition to the standard rewards the player receives sort of a themed daedric blessing:


Daedric Lord

Lore Infos / Domain




Prince of Dusk and Dawn

Twilight Strider

All skills increase 25% faster during dusk and dawn



Crawl of Deceit

25% less incoming damage when sneaking

Clavicus Vile

Wishes and pacts. Kinda Mad.

Wishful Thinking

Once a day you can make a wish that will drop the follwing in front of you: gold, gold ingots, gold ore


silver, silver ore, silver platter and plates


something really stupid: a fork a knife a plate and a skull

Hermaeus Mora


Herma-Mora's Insight

50% to gain 2 skill boosts from skill books instead of one



Hunter's Moon

Marksman increases 25% faster and deals 25% more damage



Lord of the Outcasts

50% more damage to orcs, 50% less incoming damage from orcs

Mehrunes Dagon

Bloodshed and betrayal


Complete instant heal on killmove


Murder, sex and secrets


More damage to members of same faction??


Hates the undead

Meridia's Blessing

25% less damage from undead

Molag Bal

Shuns the weak

Crushing the Weak

Double damage against enemies at 25% health or lower.


Luis Suarez


Consume hearts (this one was my first and is rather involved)


Luck, Night

Fortune's Fortitude

5% chance to dodge all incoming damage, 5% chance to deal triple damage. Doubled chance during the night



Peryite's Blessing

Can create potion/poison from bodyparts (I sorta forgot what I was planning to do here, but I can think of sth)


Debauchery, hedonistic revelry

Bottoms Up

Gives you a once-a-day-power that Gives you a bottle of 'Sanguine's Finest Bloodwine' that restores 200 health/stamina/magicka



Sheogorath's Great Blessing of Much Usefullness

EVERY slain enemy drops a sweetroll.



Nightmare Come True

Spell that kills sleeping victims and is not considered an assault.


I am posting this hear as to get some input e.g. from you lore hounds out there. The blessings/effects in yellow are the ones which I feel could be better. THe ones in white are either already done (most of them) or are things I consider spot on. THe ones in red are those which I do not like much atm, so tell me if you have a better idea.


I will not go overboard with this. The blessings are supposed to be balanced, SIMPLE, and somewhat lore-plausible, meaning somehow related to the correspondent daedric lord's domain. So. please no "make it so you can turn into a flying demon that shoots lasers" - type suggestions.


I plan on releasing this pretty soon, depending on your input.


edit: unfortunately copy pasting from open office screwed up my whole formatting but I hope it's readable



A note about balancing: Imagine the 25% or 50% or whatever to be place holders. Right now I want to get all effects/blessings and that's that.

Edited by BigBizkit
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