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Hello Forum,


I'm currently working on a section of my upcoming mod, Deities of Xylaasium. I want this mod to be creative, complete and challenging. The 'complete' part of this, however, is currently unobtainable as I want Dual Wielding existing weapons the be a feature in the mod.


At present, I am unable to allow the player to dual wield. I have tried creating a shield with the mesh /texture of a sword but the weapon only appears on the player's sheath, which is not intended. Could anyone guide me through a clear step-by-step method of allowing players to dual wield objects that resemble weapons already present in the game?


Many thanks,

Xavaran /Akeros

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My favorite mod for dual wielding us Unnecessary Violence (because you can reassign keys so your right mouse button swings one sword, and your left swings the other), but UV has a reputation for not being the most user friendly mod out there ( it has 88 thumbs down to 650 endorsements). There are also alternatives which are found here:

Seph Dual Wield BETA

Dual Wield Complete

Evantals Dual Wielding


Hope you can get your project working based on one of these (just remember, if you use one of these and intend on releasing the mod, ask the authors permission). Personally I wouldn't know where to begin to allow dual wielding :tongue:, but these existing mods seem to do a good job of it.

Edited by tttttt
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