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Help for a first time Mod downloading newbie?


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Well, I suppose it's pretty obvious that I know nothing about downloading mods. I have a vauge idea that you save the mod under it's appropriate folder, (Meshes go to mesh folder, etc etc) but I can't find them.


What I am currently in IS;


stuffstuffstuffstuff Steamapps>common>fallout new vegas>Data.


Under Data it simply has 4 folders, labled Music, Shaders, Sound, and Video. None have anything related to models and such. Can I get some help, please? Thanks.


EDIT: Okay, /oblivious now. I noticed that in Data it has things like Texture and Meshes, but they aren't folders. As an uneducated Pc gamer, I have no idea what .bsa is, or what to open it with. Furthermore, when I try to extract it, only the 4 folders mentioned above are options. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Edited by MacMallian
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You have to create these folders inside the data folder or just place the complete meshes and textures folder.

This way you have a meshes and textures folder.

The bsa is the file where the geck starts looking for the stuff needed if no folder is available.

Extracting the meshes or textures is the part you do when you want to edit them into a different mesh/texture. :wink:

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Okay, so...


I make two new folders, and extract the Mods to them? Thank you so much.




Oh, and one last question, Google has failed me on this. Can someone elaborate on what Meshes and Textures are? I understand Textures are skins, and I assume Meshes are models. But, say, what would a total reskin (a la turning the 10mm into a USP) or a new quest/area go under? Simply put, I don't understand how to "Extract the files to your data directory"


Thanks again.

Edited by MacMallian
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All you need to do when having these folders is place them in the right folder.

That is extracting them to your data folder;)

Meshes are the models and textures are the skins this model uses.

For making a 10 mm into a usp and having the mesh created and placed in these folders you need to start with the geck.

This is the same for the quest,you can check about how the geck works here.

The geck for new vegas works almost the same,it has a few more things you can do but this one should explain the main parts.

You can also check in the files section if there isn't a tutorial about certain things.

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Well, I have some mods in my game, but I can't seem to get the textures to work properly. A gun I put in has no sound or model, and a clothing mod simply has anyone wearing it be transparent in the areas it would cover(missing Torso and legs, but arms and head are visible). Ling's also had this issue. For the clothing and Ling's mods, I was unable to find anything other than a .esp when I downloaded it, so that may be the problem.


Sorry for my incompetence.

Edited by MacMallian
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Well, I have some mods in my game, but I can't seem to get the textures to work properly. A gun I put in has no sound or model, and a clothing mod simply has anyone wearing it be transparent in the areas it would cover(missing Torso and legs, but arms and head are visible). Ling's also had this issue. For the clothing and Ling's mods, I was unable to find anything other than a .esp when I downloaded it, so that may be the problem.


Sorry for my incompetence.


you need to invalidate archiveinvalidation. Theres tutorials on how to do this in the forum as well as several mods that do it for you automatically. But texture and mesh mods won't work until you do this.

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I think you should do yourself a favor and use FOMM to install your mods. It makes for an easy uninstall, can check for new versions, has an archive invalidation tool, and most importantly it will allow you to sort your load order. Before you get carried away, if you have New Vegas installed in the "Programs Files" directory you'll probably have trouble with your mods. Windows gets pretty uptight about files being modified in this directory.



You may want to make a copy of the data directory also. Wish I would have. After manually installing/uninstalling models, terrain and new textures I have a hard time remembering which ones to keep.

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