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Gaps in my duster, but model seems fine


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I'm on a mission to create a vault western themed armor, made from pieces of other armors.

I added the pieces one by one and each time, I checked ingame whether or not it was working. The models seemed fine and everything moved along with the rest of the body, as it should be.


But, after adding the last 2 items, the shinpads en the left upperarm raider piece, some chunks have been missing in the duster (randomly..). So I was wondering if someone knows what causes this? The model seems fine, and nothing has been changed in the texture.


I've added a picture, so you guys can check it out for yourself



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Image not loading. Re-uploaded on imgur: http://i.imgur.com/hiL8aga.png


It looks like some of the normals on your armor have been flipped. I'm not sure why this would happen if it looked fine before. I know that if you import an armor, select all the vertices and use Remove Doubles this can happen sometimes. See below


Just imported:



With doubles removed:



If you've applied a texture to the mesh in Blender it should be obvious but if not, there's no way to tell until you get it in game.

Do you have textures applied to your stuff in Blender? To fix the flipped normals, you'll have to select each face and use W -> Flip Normals.

Edited by Nephelus
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