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REQ: Decaying/rotting armor.


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Hello Nexus.


I have hundreds of stylish armors at my disposal, but they are all VERY NEAT and VERY STYLISH. Not that I mind, but I do so enjoy the opportunity to switch between armors depending on playthrough/character.


My idea is: a armor in a state of decay, as in a ugly piece of unearthed armor with torn and rotting cloth details.


The idea draws inspiration from knight Artorias/void walker Artorias, his metallic armor ripped by the void and cloth details charred and damaged. That's the bottom, the starting point.

Now imagine this kind of armor, but with more versatility. Several both light and heavy pieces of rotting gear, cloth details in various colour all ruined by the splendour of the grave. Ah! Perfect for the necromantic soldier no? Or perhaps the embattered adventurer. Also, it would make sense since the armor depicted below look a bit like it's seen a fight with a dragon or five, unlike the vanilla armors.


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