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Fallout: While You Wait (Mod)


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Hey Everyone!

I am planning on making a HUGE mod recreating Fallout New Vegas, new factions, weapons, and quests. The title is "Fallout: While You Wait".

The setting is in a huge slave run mafia land. They all dress like the Omerta's or people from the Tops. You wake up after being a courier to deliver some equipment for the mafia. Too bad you are mistaken for a slave. Their are several smaller towns in the wasteland free from the mafia, but they do get their money taken from them. and they run shops owned by the mafia. a rebellious campground is set up south west of the mafia main base. they (obviously) start to get larger and larger. You are faced with 2 decisions. join the mafia, get money, women, and power. Or join the rebels, less money, less women, but maybe a bit more powerful. (this is all i can write right now cuz im in class :tongue:)

I need people that specialize in textures, quests, and interiors. I can work on creating cpu's and outdoor map layout.

In need for some writers to write with me!

Follow this topic for updates!



NEW THREAD: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2763649-fallout-while-you-wait-mod-2nd-post/

Edited by tylerk13
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Anything written in Comic Sans instantly fills me with doubt. :mellow:


Seriously though, unless you have a bunch of experience you might want to start with something smaller. What you're describing sounds like it would take a team of dedicated modders.


If you're serious about it though, you'll have to give some more information up front. "Reply for more details" is not that good of an attention-grabber.

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Anything written in Comic Sans instantly fills me with doubt. :mellow:

Lol I agree, Comic Sans is a terrible font.


I also have to agree the whole "reply for more details" thing isn't that good of an attention-grabber. I'd say make it an official thread for the mod, lay out some more detailed information, maybe some pictures to hype people up! Good luck with the mod!


Here's a small list of tips I've found to be useful when working on a mod (or anything time-consuming really, before getting into modding I was making a text-adventure game in Python, sometimes I'd be sitting down for hours at a time just typing things.)

  • When making a mod, the GECK wiki is a godsend, it will be your best friend in times of trouble. (Found HERE)
  • Listen to TV, Music, or a movie if you get bored spending hours of quiet time in the GECK. (I'm listening to The Equalizer right now! Next I'll probably start up some RiffTrax.)
  • Sometimes you can work for hours at a time making a simple quest and room, and have only a few minutes of playtime to test if it works right.
  • Never give up. You WILL run into problems. You will have instances where you will work on a cool new thing for hours at a time, just to go into the game and have it fail miserably. This is all a normal part of getting acquainted with the GECK, and modding in general.
  • If you need help, don't be afraid to ask on here! There's plenty of people (including myself) who'd be more than happy with lending a quick hand on whatever you can't quite get to work!
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