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Type 3 Body issues


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So I tried adding type 3 bodies to my game and at first there were bugs and in trying to fix those bugs I've had to uninstall the reinstall the game because I made it worst.


Initially it was like it was trying to disply both the origonal texture and the new body textures over eachother, on the character model it was like you could see the texture fitting the new mesh correctly but the old texture overlapping it the primary examples being: two sets of cleavage lines and wearing the new underwhere over the old ones. I tired fixing it and after changing around some files my game wouldnt start anymore so I've had to do a fresh install. I had put off using nay mods that required adding new meshes or textures to the game fearing this would happen, I'm not exactly confident of my computer abilities. I was right to put it off because it seems I'm terrible at this kind of stuff.


How do I make this work?

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When you start using texture and mesh mods, you go beyond just dragging and dropping files into their respective folders.


When I first started using them, I experienced exactly what you had described. You need to setup archiveinvalidated (basically a dummy file so that the game will use the new textures). The automatic install wasn't working for NV when I went through the process, so I had to do some ini editing. If you're really not comfortable in doing such, I would suggest either taking the time to learn (nothing heavy duty just text editing) or avoid using mods that would altogether.


You've basically got to add the archiveinvalidated!.bsa to the data folder and modify the ini slightly - the directions should be found in the same place you get the file on the nexus.


I'd also recommend using the NV Fallout Mod Manager to help ease the startup process.

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Like secksegai said you should install FOMM (it will ask you if its for fallout 3 or new vegas upon installation) it probably the easiest way to install mod, with it you can easily use archive invalidation (no more manually editing ini) and its not a hard utility to learn
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