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Rebuilding the US army


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Hey guys I don't know if it's the case for you but i've always been wondering, where is the US army? There are many things left behind by the US army such as combat armors, bombers,aircrafts,trucks,weapons ect.. but there is no organisation that truly claims to be the US army, like, rebuilding the country and everything. The Enclave are too radical, they want to exterminate everything and the brotherhood of steel acts like a underground militia so my idea was like to have a big BIG quest where you can rebuild the US army. We do have a lot of models to take from the game like example:


Combat armors, which we could but US army emblems on the shoulder pads



Weapons, Marksman carabine,assault carabine, Light machine gun, 9mmpistol,combatknives,frag grenades could also fit in the army as well








Vehicules, there are already animations and models for vertibirds so we could only add US army emblems and paint it in green (sorry for bad english) and also there are many US army trucks so if we could just fix them (like, add the tires) it would look a lot more realistic and same goes for aircrafts the B-29 and if you go to searchlight airport, there is also models of US army aicrafts


(fuc cant add pictures anymore but if you really want to see them tell me)


Robots, we could set like a quest to re-open a factory to build robots like the mister-gusty (has already US emblems) and sentry bots. I thought like the buildings in Fiend territory near New Vegas


Power armor, i found a mod really cool that has US army emblems on it




Well thats for the general ideas of my mod, it would be nice if there are a lot more people interest in it (modders,scripters,voice acting,animation,general ideas...) because i already have a general idea of the quest but before that i need to know if anyone finds this idea interesting :)

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Seems like a good idea. But it would require a lot of modeling. You cant just add a faction, you need to personalize it. Make the faction Unique. So I suggest not using Vanilla NV weapons. I could help. I've got some experience with the geck.
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Oh I know it sounds so stupid but man i have everything in my head like we could,towards the end, have a mission like to destroy NCR main HQ (because its the New Californian Republic so i suppose that their main base must be somewhere in California) so the mission could be like send a scout team abord a vertibird to scout the area but after 3 days, no response so you could like choose to look for them and while you are on route(in a vertibird) to their last known position, 2 enclave vertibird attacks you and i dont know maybe if its possible, to add a door behind the vertibird that could be opened and then take a roket launcher and destroy the enclave vertibird! Yes its very unlikely to happen but just to show you that i do not lack ideas (even if they are shitty) and we could mod mounted machine guns cuz i noticed that there is not a single heavy machine gun (like a .50 browning) so we could take the light machine gun model for new vegas and enable it to shoot .50 rounds :P
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Oh I know it sounds so stupid but man i have everything in my head like we could,towards the end, have a mission like to destroy NCR main HQ (because its the New Californian Republic so i suppose that their main base must be somewhere in California) so the mission could be like send a scout team abord a vertibird to scout the area but after 3 days, no response so you could like choose to look for them and while you are on route(in a vertibird) to their last known position, 2 enclave vertibird attacks you and i dont know maybe if its possible, to add a door behind the vertibird that could be opened and then take a roket launcher and destroy the enclave vertibird! Yes its very unlikely to happen but just to show you that i do not lack ideas (even if they are shitty) and we could mod mounted machine guns cuz i noticed that there is not a single heavy machine gun (like a .50 browning) so we could take the light machine gun model for new vegas and enable it to shoot .50 rounds :P

Ok, I read up until the part where you said "destory the NCR HQ"


We Cannot do that, It will conflict with the main quest, and surely any coming DLC's Plus I dont wanna destroy the ncr, theyre the good guys.


Ok, I lie, i did read it all. You have good Ideas, but the quest shouldnt involve killing a faction. I know enough to make the LMG shoot .50, and even to just get a BMG model. (browning machine gun) But as for the door opening on the vertibird. That is too advanced for me, it involved creating animations, and then even bringing into the geck, both of which I dont know how to do.

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oh well ya you are right killing a faction will screw up the whole game lol

I like the idea though. I was thinking a perk could be added, that lets you call a blackhawk helicopter where you could gun from, black ops style. That would be fun, and complicated. But I agree with you on the mounted weapons. We could start off with something just like that. Just mounted weapons (I say miniguns only though) In places you'd expect them to be. For example, Camp mccarran hoover dam, primm, (when the powder gangers are there)
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woot that dragon skin mod is awesome!!!:D but you know what i meant by rebuilding the US army is like, with the WWII theme you know? :P but it could be very cool the modern aspect of it but i dont know ill think about it and for the blackhawks that sounds so fuking complicated but we could like take the vertibird and replace it with a blackhawk skin:P yes its easier said than done hehe
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Okay, I had some ideas for what you said earlier that a faction must have other weapons than the one in New vegas. Well, i found some of them that could fit in the game (gameplay and lore).


The M-14



Very good gun, it's actually like a marksman carabine with a varmin rifle skin so (with jury rigger perk) you could repair it with varmin rifles, service rifles and hunting rifles but for the ammo, i have no idea since it uses 7.62mm but the 5.56 could be good as well. Also, i thought like a customisation you could add a bayonet and attack with it in close quarter combat but i think its too hard to make such animations


The Winchester Model 70 sniper rifle



Cool sniper rifle, i like the design on the eumm, should support (sorry for bad english) it could actually be a mod for the weapon that could let you reaload the weapon faster but i dont know if weapon is cartrige fed but also, this weapon is very versatile because you can use a lot of different ammunition like the .308, .22 and other so we could make a mod you could purchase from gun merchants like .308 configuration parts, .22....




Yes i know there is already a model of it in the game but it shoots 5mm ammunition so maybe change it a bit to use 5.56mm and fire it in bursts of 3 rounds (yea my english sucks sorry:P)




ya bottlecap mines works the same way but just change de skin, that would be awesome


Browning heavy machine gun

It could use .50 ammo and also i thought like to be deployable on the battlefield and if you have a companion with you, it could hold the bullets to prevent jamming and if you fire it to much, the gun could also ''overheat''


And thats about it, maybe add a sub-machine gun and it would be great tell me if you find these weapons fitting in the lore/gameplay

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