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Mass Effect 3 Reveal Trailer...


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Alright... I'm going to be the newbie here and ask... what's Mass Effect about? That trailer looks freaking awesome, but there's clearly something I'm missing. That looks like it's setting up its own story, not a continuation of something.


I'm definitely putting this on my list, and if any of you guys would like to explain what's going on, drop me a message or just reply here, I'll keep an eye out.

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Alright... I'm going to be the newbie here and ask... what's Mass Effect about? That trailer looks freaking awesome, but there's clearly something I'm missing. That looks like it's setting up its own story, not a continuation of something.


I'm definitely putting this on my list, and if any of you guys would like to explain what's going on, drop me a message or just reply here, I'll keep an eye out.


Believe me, get it. It's one of the best games out there; 1 and 2.


It's about the human race going galactic after they found technology on Mars from a civilization known as the Protheans. I'm not going to ruin both games for you, but it all centers around a civilization of mechanical/biotic animals that penatrate the Milky Way Galaxy every 50,000 years, and kill all intelligent life for supplies. The humans must gather clues, and you, Commander Shepard, must prove their exsistence and stop them from their rampage once and for all. The third game is suppose to be the final one in the series, supposedly where you beat these Reapers but it could go the other way based on your actions from the previous two games (You can carry your save to each disk).

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Alright... I'm going to be the newbie here and ask... what's Mass Effect about? That trailer looks freaking awesome, but there's clearly something I'm missing. That looks like it's setting up its own story, not a continuation of something.


I'm definitely putting this on my list, and if any of you guys would like to explain what's going on, drop me a message or just reply here, I'll keep an eye out.



You could say it's good but don't put your hopes too high. The plot is stronger in the first than in the second but the characters are better in the second than in the first. The mechanics (a hybrid-shooter RPG) is better in the second one than in the first. The inventory system is bad in the first and removed from the second but there are rumors that is better in the third. If you don't really care about anything and want to have fun then this is for you but if you played Dragon Age and compare the writing team to Mass Effect crew then you'll see inconsistencies. I'm not saying that it is bad, just that there are lots of issue that ME team needs to fix in terms of writing the whole "Paragon and Renegade" lines. Overall it is a fun game and the DLCs from both games are worth it (compared to DA). That's what I honestly think about ME, the concept is brilliant but the writing is not as coherent as the DA team but the mechs (especially for a hybrid-shooter) are great for ME2.


@ Star... time is no issue for me but money is. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

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DA2, DE:HD, TW2, ME3, TES:V, D3.... so many RPGs... so little money... by the end of the year we'll all be broke.


Ok I think I know all of these (Assuming TW2 is The Witcher 2) except what is DE:HD? I probably know it but can't place the acronym.


I never got a chance to play ME:2 as I bought ME a long time ago and can't find the damn box and I didn't want to start ME:2 without playing ME so I'll just fall farther behind when they make ME3!

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DA2, DE:HD, TW2, ME3, TES:V, D3.... so many RPGs... so little money... by the end of the year we'll all be broke.


Ok I think I know all of these (Assuming TW2 is The Witcher 2) except what is DE:HD? I probably know it but can't place the acronym.


I never got a chance to play ME:2 as I bought ME a long time ago and can't find the damn box and I didn't want to start ME:2 without playing ME so I'll just fall farther behind when they make ME3!


DE:HR = Deus Ex: Human Revolutions (and yes TW2 is The Witcher 2), I think it's out around the same time as DA2. I'm a bit skeptical about it because of Square Enix's is tied to the project and I fear that it will be more window dressing than the game I remember from my youth.

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This game is going to be awesome, I have put an godly amount of hours in ME2 (I'm exploring EVERYTHING, 36 hours for Male Shepard and 15-16 hours for Fem Shepard which I have completed) and the trailer was mind blowing, they are also making a Mass Effect movie.

So many games in 2011, so little money.

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