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A TF2 mod


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I've been thinking about how the companions aren't that tough. Then i thought about how modding could help, and that lead to this request. If there's anyway to import the Heavy model into FONV or atleast reskin a super-mutant so that it looks like the Heavy. If you'd like my advice on what lines to use, I've got them mapped out and might actually list it later.
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openning talk menu - Da?

use melee - my fists they are made of steel!

use gun - now is coward killing time!

entering combat - here i come

hurt - medic!


dead - how could zis happen?

leaving combat - keep crying babies

be aggressive - YES!

be passionate - NO! (still acts passionate though)

given stimpak - thank you

on fire - FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!

random conversion - dun dun dun dun dun, dun dun dun dun come sing vith me

told to wait - DEFEND HERE!

told to follow - go! go! go!

regaining consciousness - i live

open inventory - a good idea

keep distance- very well

keep close - da this vill work

told to leave - ah is sad day

too many people on team - too many little men on zis team

team up - good times

player throwing - incoming!

player fires gun randomly - SPY!

gun taken (enter casino) - WHO TOUCH MY GUN

sneaking - not usually my job but...

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