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Trouble with Pop In using Enable Parent


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I'm messing around with the Lucky38 window blinds and for the life of me, I can't figure this out. I set the Enable Parent for the "Half" and "Full" blinds to an XMarker with "Pop In" checked and only the "Half" blinds will "pop in". :wacko:

Full: NVLucky38Blinds

Half: NVLucky38BlindsHalf


Enabled (both opaque):



Enabling (only "half" is poping in):



Even though they are both set to "Pop In"



There's a little switch used to control the state of the XMarker which uses this script:

scn zzWinStateACTISCPT

ref rLinkedRef

Begin OnActivate
if (IsActionRef Player)
	set rLinkedRef to GetLinkedRef
	if (rLinkedRef.GetDisabled)
		rLinkedRef.Enable 0
		rLinkedRef.Disable 0

The models are 99.9% the same from what I can see in NifSkope, one is just a little longer. I don't understand why... :wallbash:





Edited by Ez0n3
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If I replace the "full" mesh with the "half" mesh (rename full nif to .bak and copy rename short to full), they will then both Pop In. If I copy the NiTriStripsData from the full and paste only that onto the half (to make the half as long as the full), it will no longer Pop In.


The only difference between the real Half and the Half with the Full NiTriStripsData are the Vertices, Normals, etc. I don't see how that would affect the Pop In for Enable Parent.


I don't understand. :wallbash:


Anyone throwing bones, could you toss one my way.

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Gave that a try but I still can't get that bugger to Pop In. :(


I removed the Enable Parent, gave them a name, set them to persistent and Disabled/Enabled them in the script and I also tried in the console.


For instance, I click on the Short one and in the console I type "Disable" and it will Pop Out like normal. If I type "Enable" it will Fade In like it should. Disable it again and type "Enable 0" and it will Pop In like it should.


On the other hand, the Full one will Fade In whether I type "Enable" or "Enable 0" in the console or in the script. o_O


I'm completely baffled.


Thanks for the bone though.



I think I've figured it out, and the price was only - my sanity :wacko:


I started copying over one node at a time from the Short one to the Full one. I noticed I could just copy over the two NiTriStripsData nodes and it would work - but then the "Full" would be "Short". So inside the NiTriStripsData nodes, I started copying over one variable at a time (easy ones first). Long story short, I copied over the "Center" and "Radius" from the Short to the Full - and it freaken worked! :teehee: :blink: :wacko:


The mesh didn't change by changing those values, it didn't move or change in any way.


I have no idea why it works, but it woks. I had to do both the Center and Radius for both NiTriStripsData nodes or it wouldn't.

Edited by Ez0n3
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