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Marrying the Skyrim bad girl - a console command love story


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It's late in my heavily modded game. I came, I saw, and I conquered. I have the enormous custom castle, houses everywhere, piles of gold, buffed out body and the trophy wife. What next? I decided to see what the other side was like. So I wanted to try to marry the un-marriageable and live like they do. After some searching through various ruins, I found 5 interesting candidates:


Candidate #1: "Bandit"





Candidate #2: "Bandit Outlaw"





Candidate #3: "Bandit Chief"





Candidate #4: "Novice Ice Mage"

Candidate #5: "Apprentice Conjurer"
Tough choice, but I ultimately decided to go with #3. I just thought it would be cool to have a wife named "Bandit" (I would have gone with just plain "Bandit", but she walked and talked a little too masculine for me). Plus Bandit Chief had that cool Nord female accent. Sooo...I pop the question, she accepts and off to Riften we go.
Things did not go so well the next day:
One of my castle guards, who apparently had a homo crush on me, objected to the wedding. It was a scene almost right out of Kill Bill. Dead bodies in the temple, but with my proposed bride walking out saying she never wanted to see me again.
So after much grovelling and foot rubbing, she forgave me and we tried again:
We make it to the altar, but then it happened:
This time, my castle blacksmith apparently has the hots for me as well. I thought she looked a little tense during the ceremony - refusing to sit with Lydia. At least she waited until the ceremony was complete before she blew up.
Anyway, the waifu beats her down and we hightail it out of town. Now we have to decide where to live:
No choice really - we head for her place:
No roof over our heads, but all is well. For now.
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