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OBGE V2 Help...


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I cannot get the OBGE V2 Core mod to work with Oblivion.


I used the OBMM to make .mod's for the OBGE V2 Core, OBGEV2 Core Shaders and the OBGE V2 Core Support Plugin. I've read the readme and everything, I followed the instructions on how to install and use the mod. But it doesn't work. When I start a new game, or load a save game (even without the mod installed) this stupid item doesn't appear in my inventory like it's supposed to do. :verymad:


Yes, I got V19 of the OBSE installed and workign.


How do I get this item to appear so I can use this mod?



Edited by Dralel
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I've had some issues with OBGE and COBL. It happened after I did a "decompile all" in wrye bash. Anyway, I think it may be a mod interfering, possibly COBL.


Try doing this: Disable half your mods and see if it still bugs out. If it does, disable another half... keep going until you pinpoint that one little bugger that's conflicting with OBGE. (I use Wrye bash to do this, you can select a chunk of mods and press spacebar to turn them all off/on)


Another tip to remember: you have to shift click the shader you want activated for it to show up in game. I spent a good hour banging my head against the wall trying to get Godrays to work only to find out that was the problem. X(

Edited by Leviathan1753
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There is no need to sarcastically roll your eyes. It's a valid point after all. How are we supposed to know what you do and do not have installed since you never presented a Load Order? Even with your unneeded sarcastic attitude I'll add one final comment to this topic.


If you do not have the configuration item showing up under either the Misc. Inventory menu or under Cobl Options then you have not correctly installed and/or activated the mod. Simple as that. You need to ensure you have Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp present and active in your Data files.

Edited by Smooth613
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