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Improving the Blades (Mk2)


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I recently came across a thread from 2011, talking about improving the blades! ( http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/470021-improving-the-blades/ )

I love this idea, as I feel Skyhaven temple, and the Blades in general were far too overlooked as a potential gameplay aspect. Would anybody be willing to try and start this up fresh? I have no modding experience myself, but I have a plethora of ideas, and would love to help in any way that I can!



"Some ideas on what to include:
* Adjust the Paarthurnax quest & dialogue parameters to allow the player to lie to Delphine and say Paarthurnax was killed. This is to keep noble players from killing a "good" NPC and avoid alienating the Grey Beards while still rebuilding the Blades.
Shouldn't be too hard. Setting the Paarthurnax quest stage to 100 and skipping 50 prevents the Grey Beards from responding to the PC in a negative manner while still allowing the Blades to be rebuilt. All that will probably be needed is the added "lie" dialogue option.

* Allow Sky Haven Temple to be renovated via upgrades from a vendor.
New areas will have to be added to accommodate a larger force. Maybe have the construction of new areas increase the recruitment cap? See below.

* Increase the recruitment limit cap from 3 to a reasonable number, preferably around 35 to accommodate all of the potential Blade recruits in the vanilla version of the game.
New areas of the Temple will have to be added and AI packages will have to be modified to avoid major slow downs. Having 35+ NPCs outside training in the small courtyard is just asking for trouble. Probably why Bethesda kept it to a minimum of three recruits in the first place. "



LOTS of great ideas here, with the potential for so many more! If you find yourself interested, shoot me a PM!

Edited by tsoskinny
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Yeah, some of them. But that requires several mods, some of which are no longer supported/were abandoned. The problem in my eyes is that it still leaves the feeling of an incomplete Blades experience. Sure I can tidy up Skyhaven, or recruit some more blades. But it doesn't give the feeling of completion, or of having done it yourself. And it still leaves Skyhaven feeling like a empty disjointed place. I imagine a mod that reforms them into their former glory (or as close as possible) Something where you've got to earn it, something that makes you feel like you've completed an epic journey instead of just downloading a couple mods. There is legitimately SO much in the lore about the Blades, atleast two of the earlier Elder Scrolls games plotlines heavily feature them, revolve around them. And in Skyrim they just feel....blah... Like they were over looked, or just ignored.

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