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no more Water walking!!!


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I have a problem with the water walking spell. it's doesn't work.. I cast the spell, the correct icon appear on the spell bar, but, when i go in the water, just swim like i had any spell on me: no problem with potion(if i cast it in the water, for a moment i go on the surface, but then i splash in)

this was happen after i tried to talk with a gondolier moving between sadrith mora and tel fyr(i think related with animated morrowind expanded..i have a lot of mod and in any read me there is something about this guy, but i saw him just after installing this mod). when i click on it first i fall in water: so i try again and it's work like a taxi travelling me on the boat between the island in auto pilot. After this, water walking was no more functionally..if someone know why it's happen and how to fix...or just how to fix!

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  • 3 years later...

I have a problem with the water walking spell. it's doesn't work.. I cast the spell, the correct icon appear on the spell bar, but, when i go in the water, just swim like i had any spell on me: no problem with potion(if i cast it in the water, for a moment i go on the surface, but then i splash in)

this was happen after i tried to talk with a gondolier moving between sadrith mora and tel fyr(i think related with animated morrowind expanded..i have a lot of mod and in any read me there is something about this guy, but i saw him just after installing this mod). when i click on it first i fall in water: so i try again and it's work like a taxi travelling me on the boat between the island in auto pilot. After this, water walking was no more functionally..if someone know why it's happen and how to fix...or just how to fix!

I am having exactly same problem. Anybody knows what may be causing it?

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  • 4 months later...

Same problem here. Probably caused by one of abot's mods Gondoliers/Silt Striders/Ships. Use the console command player->setwaterwalking 1 to water walk if in need and player->setwaterwalking 0 to disable the cheat.

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  • 8 years later...

Sorry for the necro bump, but I just had this problem and wanted to post a fix for it. It's cause by Abot's Gondoliers mod. Taking a scenic gondolier ride with a constant effect water walking enchant causes it. This can be fixed by removing the water walking enchant and taking another scenic gondolier ride. This only happens with the gondolier, Silt striders and ships do not effect water walking.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys! I know this thread is old by some standards, but I am also experiencing the same problem. Though I do not have Abot's Gondoliers mod, I have mods that are a little bit connected to him. Let me try first disabling those and see if I still have the same bug.

Edited by N00BOON
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