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Mature Discussion: "Offensive" Mods


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i use type 3 and breezes personally,if I get bored,sure Ill make em run around in the buff for some amusement.I like em cause theres more options to make a character look alive and not flat like with the vanilla stuff.Sure its sorta immature running around with a guy raging hard-on with a sniper rifle owing everyone and its funny to me at least. Immature? Probably,but its funny to me.


the other half of the human psyche I find fascinating. Why do we do things the way we do? and that kinda stuff,would be awesome to explore in a game like Fallout.


The Swastika used to mean peace and it also gave the Hindus the power of one of their gods I believe.

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Like I said before man, I don't care about violence, sexuality etc. In fact, the darker, more subversive parts of human nature are probably the most interesting artistically. And I don't take some moral high ground or whatever the hell you said, I think a video game should be an open forum.




The way sexuality is portrayed on this site in particular is PATHETIC. Sex is a natural part of human nature, and no doubt a large part of it, but we as a community, and video games as a medium need to treat it with more maturity. Unless you're f--king Alexander DeLarge you can't POSSIBLY defend that something like this is a deep exploration of sexuality and love in the human condition.


No. It isn't. Its perverse mostly, and sensationalist a bit.


See? Like it was already pointed out to you, now you're just being hypocritical. Or Two-Faced, take your pick. Again. :wallbash: Really, don't you get it? You can't say that you don't take the moral high-ground and then Pronounce on the goodness or badness of ideas that, obviously, don't appeal to you.


I have to start thinking that you don't really understand yourself very well, because you say that certain things don't matter to you but then, once again, you start defining this and that as PATHETIC (in all capitals) and that no one could POSSIBLY defend it.


Honestly, you really don't understand how you're being two-faced here? :turned:


You don't seem to understand that you define mature sexuality as the type, kind, and limits to sexuality that you prefer. To you, that is mature and nothing else is. So, oral sex (the first image I saw when I opened the AP page you linked to) is perverse and immature and indefensible? See, that's taking the moral high-ground once again.


Obviously, the Type 3 and Beware of Girl and BB mods are immature to you as well since you can't seem to not mention them. Sure, they're not Evil or Wrong...they're just "bad". Bad, you said. They're just bad?! I really don't think you realize the contradictions that keep coming out of your keyboard. :confused:


Personally, I think we need all of these mods here. The fact that there are some people that fight to keep them up when they could easily be erased is the only thing that guarantees our Freedom.


Otherwise, the true nazis and fascists will ride in on their horses and decide for us what is mature, what is good, and what is bad.


No. Its a proven fact that hypersexualized, scantily clad, objectified women are NOT mature. Period. No one could argue that.


Bad, evil and wrong don't mean the same thing. A bad mod isn't morally offensive or an ethical travesty, its just lame.


Listen i just think its sad that people have to get their kicks from a video game, but you know what, if people want to defend it so god damn much, it isn't worth trying to discuss.


And hey guess what? No one gives a f*** about anything you or I say, because people will make dumb (at least imo) mods no matter what type of objection I have to the level of intellect they represent and maturity they offput. So goodbye.

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No. Its a proven fact that hypersexualized, scantily clad, objectified women are NOT mature. Period. No one could argue that.


Bad, evil and wrong don't mean the same thing. A bad mod isn't morally offensive or an ethical travesty, its just lame.


Listen i just think its sad that people have to get their kicks from a video game, but you know what, if people want to defend it so god damn much, it isn't worth trying to discuss.


And hey guess what? No one gives a f*** about anything you or I say, because people will make dumb (at least imo) mods no matter what type of objection I have to the level of intellect they represent and maturity they offput. So goodbye.


Yeah, I kinda got it from your first post that you like to live in a world of "proven facts, period". Kinda like trying to justify your morality by being "scientific" and saying that an incredibly well-made mod like BlackBlossom's is "just lame".


If you think it's sad that people have to get their kicks from a video game...then what in the nine hells are you doing here? :biggrin: That's what we're all doing! Sure, my kicks aren't your kicks but that's okay, it's what makes the world go 'round.


But you're wrong (and a little defeatist) at the end there.I think people do care what we say. That's why I tried to point out to you that you're rather inconsistent and, in the end, do just what you profess to not do. I really like this place and I have little tolerance for intolerance... :turned: LOL


I think all mods are good mods if they're made well. They can all serve a purpose. Sure, I don't want mods to endanger the livelihood of this site, but other than that...I might find something distasteful, even sociopathic, psychopathic, or just plain evil, but I still want to see the mod available to the community. In an even better and more mature world, there shouldn't even be mods that could get this company into legal trouble in any country (aside from theft, I guess).

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ok, well first I find a lot of stuff i come across offensive.. I dont complain.. I just move on..


And I read a lot of people want diversity much like the real world.. Just as their are hate groups in the world. Fallout should be no diffrent... but within taste, much like today someone dressed up in a SS uniform, would definatly become a target, not beable too buy/sell at markets, nobody would like talking too them.. ect..


So if it was a player used Uniform: -8 Charisma. -50 barter Skill, All Factions Enemies, ect..


But I do see the possibilities of using the Designs for something usefull... Like making A new Quest Line, and a new Fort.. Have the fort filled with all new NPCs (Naturally aggressive and enemies), all the NPC's wearing German Uniforms..... and such.. and have the player erradicate the entire fort.... can call the Mod "The Rise and Fall of the Fifth Reich"...



Things that are naturally offensive, need too be made so the people look past the offensive nature and find the fun of the designs... everybody loves Nazi bashing.....

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I'm offended by mods that make my FNVEdit go nuts, and for some reasons mods that turn Fallout into an anime game. But seriously I can understand why some folks would get offended by the Nazi stuff the neo-nazi dude had uploaded considering how evil the Nazis and the rest of the Axis countries were. It actually kind of bothers me that neo-nazis are protected by freedom of speech in their marches as long as they don't become violent. This happened in Chicago I believe a couple decades ago. I don't understand how saying kill Jews, kill blacks, kill anybody who's not a skinhead white dude does anybody any good though. From what I've heard from my cousin who's in a federal penitentiary, the neo-nazis are pansies anyways, they never fight one-on-one and when they do they have no skills with the hands. I'm sure the deutschland guy was a punk anyway, and he probably got punked in high school too. Only thing positive I can say about the real Nazis is that they had some nasty guns, tanks, and planes and their military went hard as dino doodoo.


The Army Men mod kind of just goes against Fallout canon considering the US is not the US anymore. But to me, the fact that in the Fallout universe women are casually seen in combat roles is illogical. Wouldn't women become too precious to be thrown out on a combat patrol given the dwindling number of humanity and the need to repopulate? In the present day, females are free to enlist in any branch, but they cannot accept infantry combat occupations (like say a rifleman, SAW gunner, or marksman). That doesn't mean that they hang out on the base all day and do their nails. That comes from a bad girl I went to school with who is now a combat pilot in the US Army, stationed in Afghanistan now I believe. I'm not sure why this is a rule but I do remember reading that experiments were carried out that showed women (at least in the test) do not have the strength or physical endurance of men in an extended combat situation. That being said, I believe this was more of an excuse to not give women hazard pay.


I think its just plain dumb to want to make Arcade not gay, and Veronica not bi. So Arcade likes playing hide the sausage with guys and Veronica plays both sides of the field, big deal. Arcade knows not to step out of line with me. Maybe if he gets a high enough kill count I'll download that all male resort mod for him hahhaha. Veronica spits game to me, so I know she's not a lesbian. Even if she was oh well, maybe she'll get us a VIP discount for spending more at Gamorrah than I do.


The mods that change all the bodies of the men and women to look like stereotypical football players and cheerleaders are humorous to me. But hey I still use some of em. Personally I think my PC should have muscles because I do. I think the working women in new vegas should have big knockers and big cakes cuz hey, they wouldn't make any caps if they didn't. But don't make em all fake looking for goodness sakes.


I'm one of those idiots that doesn't care if there's 9 foot tall killer horned lizards, super mutants with miniguns and zombified ghouls walking around in my game, I want the combat and the humanity of it to be as realistic as possible.


I can't believe people said it would be cool to have child prostitution in a game. You people must not have kids. Also, go kill yourselves, in real life.


Those are my opinions, take them as you wish.

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I can't believe people said it would be cool to have child prostitution in a game. You people must not have kids. Also, go kill yourselves, in real life.

Who said it would be cool to have child prostitution in a game? Maybe I missed something somewhere...


I thought we were talking about the merits of boobies and nazis (which, together, have here in Italy its own fetish niche, I don't know about other countries). :nuke:


And, really, HeavyHandz...go kill themselves? That's really mature. And friendly. Now I understand your moniker. This discussion really brings out the warmth in people. :biggrin:


This is a great discussion. :thumbsup:


I remember the Nazi march in Chicago. From what I remember, the police had to be out in force...in order to protect the nazis! :laugh:

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And, really, HeavyHandz...go kill themselves? That's really mature. And friendly. Now I understand your moniker.



What is your understanding of it? That I look like a caveman or that people's faces get broken when my hands collide with them? You would be right on both accounts. Yeah I admit, I may have been wrong to say that people who advocate child prostitution in a game should go kill themselves. Here's my correction, if you support pedophilia or child prostitution, go watch the movie Hard Candy. Jeez I hope I didn't offend anyone.

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No. Its a proven fact that hypersexualized, scantily clad, objectified women are NOT mature. Period. No one could argue that.


Bad, evil and wrong don't mean the same thing. A bad mod isn't morally offensive or an ethical travesty, its just lame.


Listen i just think its sad that people have to get their kicks from a video game, but you know what, if people want to defend it so god damn much, it isn't worth trying to discuss.


And hey guess what? No one gives a f*** about anything you or I say, because people will make dumb (at least imo) mods no matter what type of objection I have to the level of intellect they represent and maturity they offput. So goodbye.


Yeah, I kinda got it from your first post that you like to live in a world of "proven facts, period". Kinda like trying to justify your morality by being "scientific" and saying that an incredibly well-made mod like BlackBlossom's is "just lame".


If you think it's sad that people have to get their kicks from a video game...then what in the nine hells are you doing here? :biggrin: That's what we're all doing! Sure, my kicks aren't your kicks but that's okay, it's what makes the world go 'round.


But you're wrong (and a little defeatist) at the end there.I think people do care what we say. That's why I tried to point out to you that you're rather inconsistent and, in the end, do just what you profess to not do. I really like this place and I have little tolerance for intolerance... :turned: LOL


I think all mods are good mods if they're made well. They can all serve a purpose. Sure, I don't want mods to endanger the livelihood of this site, but other than that...I might find something distasteful, even sociopathic, psychopathic, or just plain evil, but I still want to see the mod available to the community. In an even better and more mature world, there shouldn't even be mods that could get this company into legal trouble in any country (aside from theft, I guess).


one last thing then I'm gone mate, The only proven fact period I REALLY put out there is that uber sexual mods aren't mature. They aren't, you're right maybe it isn't a complete proven fact, but I'd be hard pressed to find someone with a legitimate refutation. Morality has nothing to do with my argument. I hate that word, I just think that this site treats sex like a bunch of horny ass fourteen year old teenagers whose balls dropped last tuesday. Which I know we can rise above. And I see that in a lot of modders, nooooooot a lot of others though. :/


MY FINAL GODDAMN POINT: On the one hand, I want this site to be open for people to make whatever kind of mod they want, on the other hand, its amazingly disappointing that people will make such childish crap. I want to see mods that add new quests, factions, a new world, even sex provided its contextual and not objectified. Believable characters, storylines, things that ADD to the game. Are the aforementioned things different for everyone? Yea. Of course. Its just really sad that the community at large seems to be dictated by one particular skeleton in the closet, cheap sex thrills. I know no matter what you do, people will make perverted mods, my beef is that literally half if not more mods on this site, FO3N, TESNexus and DAONexus are like that. Its just bothersome to me.


I leave you this paragraph to dissect, and please, enthrall me with how you plan to glean I'm some christian extremist moral hypocrite, none of which I am. I'm actually considering the fact that many people don't read the entirety of my posts, considering the reactions I get.

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I'm going to make my final point short and simple: Fallout is a world of, killing, hate, and despair. So technically the Nazi uniform mods fit right in here. And so do the sexual ones, I may not download the sexual ones, because if I want to see boobs or something like that. There are real people. And if you want to complain about the guy posting the Nazi uniforms so much, you might as well go complain to every fallout character who hates Ghouls, because guess what! That's hate too. Just let people post what they want, and ignore the ones you don't like.
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