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"TW Zevran Wedding" mod - a question of compatibility

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firstly, please forgive a new member if there have already been such topics... I searched the forum and the Web in general for that, but came up with nothing relevant (the forum) or contradicting responses (the Web).


I'd like to ask you about your experiences with "TW Zevran Wedding". It looks very nice and as I am playing Dragon Age Origins for the first time after using Drakensang games in every possible way, I strive for plot consistency. Zevran turns out to be a deep character and it would be nice if he finally found peace after everything he has been through with the Crows, so I am trying to find a way for him to wed the Warden.


The problem is TW's mod seems finished for Dalish Wardens only. My character is a female city elf (and I confess that I modded the game to play the city origin, but be a mage otherwise, using this "All Origins Playable" mod). The description is ambiguous: it says a city wedding is a WIP (and likely not to be ever finished by the author, to my obvious dismay), but there are all requirements and a log of changes added, which relate to the city wedding.


So I'd like to ask you... Is that possible to still use that mod and get the wedding for my Warden? I am okay with a bit hijacked animations and similar caveats, I simply need a way for Zevran to wed her (preferably in Denerim, but if it's an alternative, I could sate myself with playing the Dalish version - but no changes to the character, just the other setting). If there is no way of getting TW's mod to work in this configuration, I will have to make do with "Zevran Open Wedding" - but I admit the style of TW's work appeals to me more. Also... Is there a way to get the clothes Zevran's wearing in the finished (Dalish) video please? Maybe a code for the console?


Thank you in advance for any suggestions and please bear with me in the upcoming days before I get used to the forum :smile:.


PS Is there ANY way of not being so nasty to Zevran after Taliesen's fight (in other words, not playing a total jerk in "preparing" him for the proposal in the way you reject the earring)? I have "Zevran's Dialogue Fixes" and "ZevRing" if that helps. Maybe a blonde-proof instruction of which options to choose in order not to come as a very cruel person?

Edited by MagdalenaDwojniak
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