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Extra hair not listed in gene projector for PC


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Hello all,


I've tried searching on this, to no avail. I either get no results or 3,000.... :-)


I've tried out several hair packs. I've kept in mind that they're not compatible with each other, and so far I've managed to switch between Hair Pack and Ling's Coiffure with no issues.


I installed a mod called "Play as Alice", which installs Dimon's Alice body on the PC. After installing, I found that some hair issues cropped up. Many of the female NPCs have the same hairdo now (similar to Nova's default hair) and all of the new hair styles but one have disappeared from the gene projector (when I have Wentworth give me a haircut, e.g.) I figured, okay, bum mod, no biggie, I uninstalled it. Except that the new hair is still missing. I tried reinstalling Ling's and Hair Pack to try to overwrite whatever mucked it up, but it hasn't worked.


Any ideas how I can approach this problem? How is the list of hair styles for the gene projector generated? Maybe there's something that got changed that other mods don't know to change back? I'm open to your ideas.


David V

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well, the hair list is something that is built on races, meaning that if you are of a certain race, and that race has let's say 12 female hair styles, than you will have these 12 hair options, if your character is female


so, i would think that there are two possible problems here

it's either the hairs were somehow removed from the races, or you are of a new race


since you say that many NPCs have changed, it would probably mean that the hair styles aren't working, so you should check if they exist inside the GECK


if you need me to explain just how to check this, just ask

i'm going to sleep now, but i'll be up in a few hours, and then i'll be able to help

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Aha. Yes, the "Play as Alice" mod changed the race of the PC. So in theory, I should be able to use the gene projector in plastic surgery mode to set the race back, yes? Edit: Oh, but I can't access race from there, I can just tweak the head shape and such. Is there a way I can edit the race manually in a file somewhere?


David V

Edited by porphyrous
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Well, you gave me the clue I needed. I found a Gamebryo console reference, and there's a command to invoke the gene projector, showracemenu, and I was able to use that to change the race to one that could see all of the hair.


Mission accomplished. Thanks!


David V

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I finally did, but it took more work. I'm learning a lot in a short time.


The race issue was only part of it. I had downloaded FO3Edit in order to tweak the master file of some modules, but that didn't fix the problem. I downloaded the manual and read about conflict resolution and I found out that another mod I had installed, Playthings, had negated the hair setting for all the races being set by Lings and LingsDLC. As a quick fix, I followed the instructions to make a merge patch, and that fixed the hair problem.


There are still some minor issues. I have a problem now where my character is bald when wearing a helmet, but after studying the conflict resolution stuff, I feel like I might be able to track that down. I came back here to update my article to benefit others in the future.


David V

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your character is bald while wearing a helmet??

because this sounds like the helmet is overwriting the hair of your character

if you open the GECK, and check that helmet, it should use the hair slot, which means that it removes your character's hair when the helmet is worn

so if you uncheck that box, that should do the trick


hope this helps



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