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Is Skyrim the best choice for the next game?



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As an avid outdoors man that lives in Michigan and is more than familiar with a cold and harsh yet beautiful land I couldn't have chosen a better location in my eyes except maybe the whole of Tamriel. I love the Viking, Medieval, Scandanavian kinda theme in video games. No frilly clothes and pointy ears prancing about in their skivvies with overly fancy and ornate weapons. Everything is brutal, practical, and efficient from the weapons and armor to the mindset of the Nords. There is also so much more to Skyrim than just snow. People don't look into it and assume the whole game is going to look like Bruma 2.0 but there will be more variation in terrain than there was in Oblivion and perhaps even Morrowind from pine forest and volcanic tundra to wetlands and glaciers. You cannot look at something and pass judgement based on face value alone. Edited by NAPALM13092
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I chose Elsweyr. Reason being this: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Khajiit Scroll down to the "Sub-species notes" and you'll see why I want it so badly. imagine starting the game in prison (as always) and all the Khajiit you've seen so far is of the standard Suthay-raht Variety (the ones you see in Morrowind & oblivion) but then, as you finish the starting dungeon and enter a city for the 1st time, you witness the astounding sight of the citizens going about their daily routines, all of them varied, yet all of them Khajiit. From the Human-like Ohmes-raht To the more animal like, yet still sentient, Pahmer (Yes, that's how it looks like according to the lore, more or less) It would also be a great opportunity to delve into their lore more.


Here's hoping they choose Elsweyr for elder scrolls VI! :dance:

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Okay, let me put it this way. If they don't have TES VI in Black Marsh, I will chew on a pair of socks. Why? Because I'm sick of them being completely shrouded in mystery like some African tribal society. They are hardly covered on. I want to see them in their full glory.


The problem I see with Black Marsh is that it is an extremely harsh environment for any race other than Argonians. There are flies there that feed on the soft flesh of the other races; this is just one of the problems. Let's not forget about the dreaded swamp rot issue in Black Marsh either. Because of this and many other hazards to the other races, I don't know how Bethesda will incorporate other races as playable into the Black Marsh part of the land without breaking lore. What I see is that players will probably have to play as an Argonian or they will suffer massive penalties for being in the Black Marsh... I don't know if many people will want to technically be forced to play as an Argonian because people want varieties and freedom in games such as TES.


There are cities in Black Marsh you know. If you read the Argonian books from Oblivion, you can find some farmland and idyliic living in here. Never underestimate Beth. They will have to get to Black Marsh sooner or later, and a challenge they have no problem with tackling.



Just pointing out the obvious obstacles Bethesda will have to work around.



I don't see how marsh infested bogs are an obstacle that ruins the lore. More of an oppertunity. Shivering Isles had bogs in the Fringe and in Dementia and the game still came out full of lore and was fantastic. BTW...I don't think flies are going to stop travelers in the ElderScrolls universe. If they can traverse deadly mountain ranges to get to Skyrim, then I doubt a swamp will stop them, including a hero who saves the day once again who isn't an Argonian.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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I chose Elsweyr. Reason being this: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Khajiit Scroll down to the "Sub-species notes" and you'll see why I want it so badly. imagine starting the game in prison (as always) and all the Khajiit you've seen so far is of the standard Suthay-raht Variety (the ones you see in Morrowind & oblivion) but then, as you finish the starting dungeon and enter a city for the 1st time, you witness the astounding sight of the citizens going about their daily routines, all of them varied, yet all of them Khajiit. From the Human-like Ohmes-raht To the more animal like, yet still sentient, Pahmer (Yes, that's how it looks like according to the lore, more or less) It would also be a great opportunity to delve into their lore more.


Here's hoping they choose Elsweyr for elder scrolls VI! :dance:


They could get some Middle Eastern flavor and architecture in that too, which could be an excuse for a melting pot of cultures other than Tamreil. I loved the Assassins Creed location for this, and everything that went with it, and knowing Beth, the brilliant people they are, they wouldn't hesitate to make Elsweyr into a marvel all its own, the desert jewel this south of Cyrodiil.

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Okay, let me put it this way. If they don't have TES VI in Black Marsh, I will chew on a pair of socks. Why? Because I'm sick of them being completely shrouded in mystery like some African tribal society. They are hardly covered on. I want to see them in their full glory.


The problem I see with Black Marsh is that it is an extremely harsh environment for any race other than Argonians. There are flies there that feed on the soft flesh of the other races; this is just one of the problems. Let's not forget about the dreaded swamp rot issue in Black Marsh either. Because of this and many other hazards to the other races, I don't know how Bethesda will incorporate other races as playable into the Black Marsh part of the land without breaking lore. What I see is that players will probably have to play as an Argonian or they will suffer massive penalties for being in the Black Marsh... I don't know if many people will want to technically be forced to play as an Argonian because people want varieties and freedom in games such as TES.


There are cities in Black Marsh you know. If you read the Argonian books from Oblivion, you can find some farmland and idyliic living in here. Never underestimate Beth. They will have to get to Black Marsh sooner or later, and a challenge they have no problem with tackling.



Just pointing out the obvious obstacles Bethesda will have to work around.



I don't see how marsh infested bogs are an obstacle that ruins the lore. More of an oppertunity. Shivering Isles had bogs in the Fringe and in Dementia and the game still came out full of lore and was fantastic. BTW...I don't think flies are going to stop travelers in the ElderScrolls universe. If they can traverse deadly mountain ranges to get to Skyrim, then I doubt a swamp will stop them, including a hero who saves the day once again who isn't an Argonian.


You're missing my point entirely. Yes I'm aware of some settlements in the Black Marsh, but lore is that other races either practically cannot survive in the Black Marsh or will have one hell of time living there trying to survive in most of the land's regions. Argonians are basically immune to the plague, diseases, poisons, and fleshflies in the Black Marsh. Hence the reason why Argonians make up the majority of the population in the Black Marsh and not the other races. The swamps and bogs of SI are way different from those found in the Black Marsh. Nothing was mentioned of plagues and deadly flesh eating flies and other such creatures thriving in the SI. If you don't consider Bethesda breaking lore by suddenly making other races immune to the diseases, plagues, and flesh eating flies in the Black Marsh without any reasons, then I don't know what else to say. I mean, I would sure love to play a TES game that focuses on the lore of the Black Marsh and the Argonians, but I would find it hard to fathom something as outrageous as a bosmer freely roaming the Black Marsh with little or no penalties as if he's in Cyrodiil or Valenwood.

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I don't see how marsh infested bogs are an obstacle that ruins the lore. More of an oppertunity. Shivering Isles had bogs in the Fringe and in Dementia and the game still came out full of lore and was fantastic. BTW...I don't think flies are going to stop travelers in the ElderScrolls universe. If they can traverse deadly mountain ranges to get to Skyrim, then I doubt a swamp will stop them, including a hero who saves the day once again who isn't an Argonian.



Yea the mountains of Skyrim might not stop a "hero" or some travellers from venturing into the land, but the harsh environment will stop most from going to Skyrim unless they're a nord. Duh! No wonder why Skyrim is a land mostly full of Nords. It's because they can survive there better than other races for the most part. Same goes for the Black Marsh. Argonians can thrive there.


You're also forgetting the fact that the Black Marsh is also full of poisons, plagues, uninhabitable swampy areas, and more that would tear up a dandy little breton. For the record: I'm not an Argonian. I like the Nords.

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The thing is, we hear rumors from other races, saying that the Black Marsh is so bad, but we don't really know for sure. :)

Sure, it has "poisons, plagues, uninhabitable swampy areas, and more that would tear up a dandy little Breton", but as we learn from The Infernal City, it is habitable by other races as well, though some places might be inaccessible without the use of magic by other races. But hey, that's just a challenge - the other races will have to use magic to get past it. Some people might then say: "But then Argonians are too powerful compared to other races", but really, shouldn't the Argonians have a bonus in their home? Just like the Nords should have bonuses that makes them more suitable in Skyrim than other races. :)

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Just because the lore says that Black Marsh is inhospitable for other races doesn't mean Bethesda would closely follow that lore when making a game based in the province.They could easily make up some excuse such as "Tiber Septim made it less dangerous to other races" or something similar. Edited by Corakus
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