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It's not fascism when we do it


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That is exactly what I'm going to do.

From Wiktionary:



1. A political regime based on strong centralized government, suppressing through violence any criticism or opposition of the regime, and exalting nation, state, or religion above the individual.

I'd say they were. I'd also say that the Soviet Union was.

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From Wiktionary:




1. A political regime based on strong centralized government, suppressing through violence any criticism or opposition of the regime, and exalting nation, state, or religion above the individual.


I'd say they were.


Okay, so that makes two: you, and the bored thirteen-year-old who wrote up that definition.


Yeah, sorry, you're going to have to do better.

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Okay, now will you cite the definition from an actual dictionary... You know, just for humor's sake?
From Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary
1: The body of principles held by facsisti

2: A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation or race and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, sever economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

I suppose that the 'dictatorial leader' aspect might not apply to Soviet Russia (which I should have used instead of "Soviet Union").

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That is exactly what I'm going to do.


And have you actually...studied the third reich?


Their concept of socialism is different from the one that stereotypical socialism holds. It's a racist and nationalist view of it.


The Nazis were fascist, no argument about that.

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  • 6 months later...

Yep, nazis were fascists allright.


Nationalsozialistist: Someone who believes in a *censored* german masterrace and other lesser races. He or she also thinks the lesser races are not worthy of living.


And that is an exact match with fascist, the only thing different is that 'own race' with fascist is changed into '*censored* race' with nazis.


Nazis weren't the ones to invent fascism though, that was Mussolini.


And I can know, I did study the third reich ;)


Back to the original topic: I think fascism is regaining a lot of power in the West the last few years... It is sad, but nothing can be done about it...





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Yep, nazis were fascists allright.


Nationalsozialistist: Someone who believes in a *censored* german masterrace and other lesser races. He or she also thinks the lesser races are not worthy of living.


And that is an exact match with fascist, the only thing different is that 'own race' with fascist is changed into '*censored* race' with nazis.


Nazis weren't the ones to invent fascism though, that was Mussolini.


And I can know, I did study the third reich ;)


Back to the original topic: I think fascism is regaining a lot of power in the West the last few years... It is sad, but nothing can be done about it...






A "Nationalsozialistist" as you put it, doesn't always believe in a "*censored* german masterrace". About 500 swedes joined Hitler in WW 2, becuase they wanted Sweden to be a "clean" country. That is, only white people, getting rid of the Sami, only have trade with the northern countries etc.

To be honest, there are plenty of racists in Sweden. You notice it in school/work. I think that not only the West has problems with racism, but also Europe.

A shame really, that people can't work together.

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A "Nationalsozialistist" as you put it, doesn't always believe in a "*censored* german masterrace". About 500 swedes joined Hitler in WW 2, becuase they wanted Sweden to be a "clean" country. That is, only white people, getting rid of the Sami, only have trade with the northern countries etc.

To be honest, there are plenty of racists in Sweden. You notice it in school/work. I think that not only the West has problems with racism, but also Europe.

A shame really, that people can't work together.


With Nationalsozialisten (or nazis) people mean the german fascist before and during WWII. In other countries they were just called fascists. Don't know why that is though. For example: the Dutch fascist movement was called the NSB, the Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging, clearly have the name National-Socialist, but aren't called nazis, just fascists.


About those Swedes who joined in WW2: you probably mean the Fremdlegionen, no? Then you must know even more Dutch, Belgian, ... people joined. The dutch 'SS Volunteer Grenadier Brigade Landstorm Nederland' for example, had over 2400 soldiers in 1943. Most of them weren't national socialistic: they just wanted to fight against communism. Here's some propaganda towards the dutch people. which speeks of being a true Dutchmen and fighting against communism.


When I said the West, it included Europe and Northren-America. I'm sorry if it was unclear, but at our school we generally portray these two as 'The West'





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  • 2 weeks later...

currently the U.S. government is completely clueless not only are the republicans wrong in some ways but so are the democrats but seriously the government today all around the world is slowly starting to be more fascist except like canada most of eastern europe is socialist and many people in the U.S. want to have a system of government like them except for a few crazy people who believe in dictatorship or anarchism





dude stick it to them man

make love not war

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOOk in the dictionary and define FASCISM

Wait until the Democrate take over the white house-then you'll see Fascism!


Recently I found this page, detailing the 14 points that define fascism, and how the bush administration satifies each of them.


It corroborates all its points with articles from hundreds of different sources, and I fail to find fault with most of it's arguments.


I would like to draw special attention to the article entitled:


Rolling Stone does some investigative and rather exhaustive digging into public documents and says we’re almost guaranteed the 2004 election results were massively rigged


I would like to find out how aware people are of this, and what they think.


I am not an American, but America is so big now that it affects the whole world, and it is everyody's business.



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