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Skills Increase on their own??


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Not related to your leveling issue but... You say you cannot be bothered to learn Wrye Bash but you have mods that require it to function properly? You're just asking for trouble. Either take the time to learn the basics of Wrye Bash, like the Bashed Patch function, or you seriously limit your mod compatibility and functionality. It's really not hard to learn the basics of Wrye Bash. There is a plethora of information available on Oblivion and mod utilities at this point. Just search around you'll find guides easily on how to get started with Wrye Bash.


So either learn Wrye Bash or uninstall the mods that require it. Reading the ReadMe's and documentation around the mods you download is a good idea as well. It's obvious you haven't done this for mods you have installed. Or run into many conflicts and crashes then wonder why things aren't working properly. It's up to you.

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