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The Brotherhood of Atlas Mod


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This is a preview for a GECK file called the Brotherhood of Atlas Mod. Just another overpowered BoS mod? I think not. When completed, this mod will add a brand new faction to the Capital Wasteland, complete with custom armor, weapons, forts, ect.....The backstory of the BoA is below.



******Brotherhood of Atlas Mod*******


REQUIRES: Broken Steel, Mothership Zeta, and The Pitt DLCs


Please feel free to tell me what you think of the mod, either good or bad.


I am looking for GECKers with adobe photoshop experience to change the look/shape of armors and other stuff! Since I'm new to modding, I'm not very good at it, nor do i have any idea how to begin the advanced stuff. I can add buildings, players, create patrols, ect.., but that's about it. Also those who are good at scripting, making quests, re-textures, ect.. looking for them as well! Of course, anything you help me with you will get FULL CREDIT for.


ALSO: Drop me any suggestions or anything that would increase your enjoyability with this mod in the comment section. I will do my best to add them into the mod.













The Brotherhood of Atlas was formed by Colonel Todd Spring I just after the Great War of 2077 in New England. It's primary mission: To re-unite the people of post-war America under one banner, to create a faction that would be unstoppable. To recreate the United States of America.

The Brotherhood proved to be a strong force in re-uniting the country, and while sporting energy weapons, orbital missile strikes, and T-51B power armor, they quickly wiped out all opposition and had control of the old lands of the New England Commonwealth within months. The Brotherhood quickly gained control of trade, and soon, had trade caravans moving from the Octagon to the Outer Banks.

But there were those within the Brotherhood Council who saw this as an opportunity to make the Brotherhood a supreme technological power, and wipe out all other forces that opposed them. However, the President of the Brotherhood did not see it to be this way, and believed that they should ally with small militaristic factions that dotted the lands surrounding New England. This formed a rift in the Council, and over the course of five years, broke into Civil War.

In 2091, the Brotherhood fractured into two factions; the Brotherhood of Atlas, and the Commonwealth. With superior numbers, the Commonwealth quickly overruns the remaining Brotherhood members and leads to the retreat out of New England. Taking whatever supplies are available, Brotherhood President Kyle Mastearia and the remaining troops travel south down the coast, abandoning the First Octagon to be razed.

After several weeks of wandering, the remaining Brotherhood troops, beaten and battered, set up a new HQ in the ruins of Fort Bragg, still occupied by pre-war Army troops. The Brotherhood troops are welcomed into Fort Bragg, and after several months, the remaining Army troops are absorbed by the Brotherhood.

In 2102, the Octagon, a five-leveled fortress, built mostly underground, is established. Over the next hundred or so years, the Brotherhood once again regained power at a national level, while the Commonwealth chose to remain in the Northeast. The Brotherhood expanded it's operations from the Everglades to the Mojave Wasteland to the west. The Brotherhood even set up a small base in the ruins of London, England.

Powered by strong technology and powerful armor and weapons, the Brotherhood had once again risen from the ashes of nothingness to immortality.



The Brotherhood had twice dispatched it's troops to the Capital Wasteland in search of technology. Once in 2137, when they set up operations in the ruins of Fort Constantine. The Brotherhood occupied the base for more then seventy years, and in 2211, left the base. It wasn't until 2273 that the Brotherhood once again entered the Capital Wasteland. The reasons for re-entering the DC ruins are unknown, but what was known is the Brotherhood moved back into Fort Constantine and began helping the people of the Wasteland fight raiders and the Enclave, who had been giving the Brotherhood trouble out on the West Coast. Just a few years ago, Fort Constantine had been an abandoned waste, littered with old Brotherhood technology hidden under several fail safes. Now, it is a busy hub of trade and the HQ of the Brotherhood's DC Detachment.

Is the Brotherhood in the Capital Wasteland in hopes of absorbing it under one banner to join it's growing empire, or have the Brotherhood returned for something far more.....sinister. It's up to the player to find out in the Brotherhood of Atlas Mod!

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