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Ok, so BACK on topic- yeah the quests for the armies can be pretty long. Especially since they throw in sidequests along the way.

In the end, it does help to extend the play time, but sometimes its like... geeze when is this part gonna be done?? And yeah, I gotta admit, once you get into the temple, I dont like part of the Urn quests either.


Also keep in mind tho here folks, that Striker is coming to us from Oblivion. Which is a MUCH more freestyle game. Coming from a game like that, to Dragon Age, takes some getting used to. Going from where you can take it any way that you want to, anytime that you want to, with some shorter quests. To a game that only gives you options as to which armies you want to get, in the order that you want to get them. And some areas that you actually can't leave without botching up the areas or the quests, its an adjustment for some people.


Oh, and Striker- IF you havent finished the elf quest yet. There's a bug there. The personal quests that you take up from the elves in the camp. IF you finish the entire run BEFORE going back to the camp when you finish the individual quests, they will not allow you to finish them.

So go back and talk to your people there in the elf camp before you finish that run, or you won't be able to get closure on the elve's quests.

Essentially, if you beat the werewolves, the elves think "Well, we needed you to do this because of the WW's. Now they're gone, we dont need you to do it for us anymore".

So before you go in and get into the werewolves lair, go back and get the closure on the elve's personal quests ;)

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Besides, it's boring because it's darn too long!


Too long? I usually have to take every side track possible to get the Urn quest to last much more than an hour. My average time through the deep roads is about two hours and this last time, just to see if it could be done, I did it in 59 minutes 23 seconds and I have the saves to back that up. Anyone want to race?



Only the Deep Roads. I once finished the Urn in under 45. I will support the culling of the majority deep roads for something more fruitful.

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Besides, it's boring because it's darn too long!


Too long? I usually have to take every side track possible to get the Urn quest to last much more than an hour. My average time through the deep roads is about two hours and this last time, just to see if it could be done, I did it in 59 minutes 23 seconds and I have the saves to back that up. Anyone want to race?



Only the Deep Roads. I once finished the Urn in under 45. I will support the culling of the majority deep roads for something more fruitful.


Cull the Deep Roads? :blink: :ohmy: Why? My mogue (or is he a rage) blasted through it in less than an hour - solo. I skipped nothing other than stopping to loot corpses and chests thanks to Storm of the Century and Entropic Death. (Thank you Orgolove) Cast the spell, do the Strength of Stone thing and run through the effect, one swat usually takes care of anything that makes it through to the other side. Kardol hadn't made it across the bridge before I was talking to Hespith :rolleyes:

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LOL... I must be trying to do all the hardest parts first. I went all the way through the werewolf quest until I got to the ghost of the little boy and could not beat all the undead that pounced on me. So then I went to the mage tower and I've fought my way finally to the center of the Fade. I'm still working on trying to beat the boss therein. Maybe I should have went to the places with the fetch-this-and-that quests first...


I don't think it matters what order you do the main quests at least I haven't found it so, I can't explain it but I'm sure someone can, the top bosses are geared to work with what ever level you are so they are all beatable. The key I found to winning is in the tactics, which is something I've never had to do before, play around persevere and you will get the hang of it, if I can anyone can :laugh: and it's your own tactics as well not just those you can set in the game, things like don't rush in, hang back put the party on hold and make the enemy come to you then you can whittle down the numbers instead of taking them all on. I've done some crazy things especially in my bid to kill Cathrien, how I hated that woman. I think DarkWolfe might remember the post I made :laugh: :laugh:


I don't like shooters either, never played one and have no inclination to do so.

Edited by ell46
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Thats very true Ell. :thumbsup: yeah, the bosses are all leveled when you enter the area that they are in. So even tho some of them are harder to beat, they can be done so, regardless of which way you go, or which quest you take first, last, and in between.

And yes, the tactics that you chose to use are vital in some of the areas. Especially if you are playing outside of "easy" mode. In some of the deeper situations, just running in headfirst "guns blazing" as the saying goes, ends up bad sometimes.

Try seperating your opponents out as much as you can. Lead some of them away from the trouble spots, if you can. So that your party can focus their attacks and be defending vs fewer sides.


Ahhh yes, the Cauthrien Calamity. I DO remember that one now :D :laugh:

But yep, perseverance and trying different tacs won the day! :thumbsup:

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Cull the Deep Roads? :blink: :ohmy: Why? My mogue (or is he a rage) blasted through it in less than an hour - solo. I skipped nothing other than stopping to loot corpses and chests thanks to Storm of the Century and Entropic Death. (Thank you Orgolove) Cast the spell, do the Strength of Stone thing and run through the effect, one swat usually takes care of anything that makes it through to the other side. Kardol hadn't made it across the bridge before I was talking to Hespith :rolleyes:


Deep Roads add really nothing to the story and were just too long. You could have finished the story sooner without it (and you also proved my point). In-fact the Deep Roads is nothing more than a filler and a badly placed at that. There is no reward for it, no dark atmosphere that it is famous for, no urgency for finding Branka, unlike other quests. BioWare could have done better with this opportunity but they have missed their mark with this quest. The DR would have had more impact if it was more dangerous and there was a sense of fear. What would have worked is more random attacks by the darkspawn, instead of scripted places and better lighting, which the entire game lacked.

Edited by brokenergy
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Cull the Deep Roads? :blink: :ohmy: Why? My mogue (or is he a rage) blasted through it in less than an hour - solo. I skipped nothing other than stopping to loot corpses and chests thanks to Storm of the Century and Entropic Death. (Thank you Orgolove) Cast the spell, do the Strength of Stone thing and run through the effect, one swat usually takes care of anything that makes it through to the other side. Kardol hadn't made it across the bridge before I was talking to Hespith :rolleyes:


Deep Roads add really nothing to the story and were just too long. You could have finished the story sooner without it (and you also proved my point). In-fact the Deep Roads is nothing more than a filler and a badly placed at that. There is no reward for it, no dark atmosphere that it is famous for, no urgency for finding Branka, unlike other quests. BioWare could have done better with this opportunity but they have missed their mark with this quest. The DR would have had more impact if it was more dangerous and there was a sense of fear. What would have worked is more random attacks by the darkspawn, instead of scripted places and better lighting, which the entire game lacked.


Well, if you consider adding gollums and the legion of the dead to your army and getting to choose the dwarf king as no reward then yes, I suppose it is pointless. On the first few playthroughs it is dangerous, it only becomes tedious after you have it wired.


You should try adding Dark Times and the Bloodworks to your game, they add much to the content and provide more real time space between your treks through the Deep Roads.

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