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skyrim detecting NVIDIA instead of AMD


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hey and sorry for making multiple threads (2nd thread in 2 days) but each solved problem makes another problem

after alot of research and testing about my skyrim using the wrong GPU i decided to make a clean reinstall of my drivers using AMD detect utility this time instead of normally finding my drivers on Toshiba's site
the installation finished properly and so i launched skyrim with the launcher that redetected my system configuration and set it directly to ultra high quality (wich surprised me since my GPU is not that great) i looked to the GPU being used and i found "NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GS"
i looked in skyrimprefs.ini and found

sD3DDevice="NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GS"

I don't have an NVIDIA i have an AMD Radeon R9 M265X

should i just ignore it or do I need to do something?

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and it doesn't seems like the fps improved but it became even less now its around 17fps while it used to be around 40 with higher ini configuration

edit: by "used to be" i don't mean before this "clean reinstallation" but before these problems appeared. Before reinstalling the driver it was around 20fps

Edited by urumizawa
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