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OMOD load orders "assisstance / ideas"


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Sorry if this is out of place but I figure it's best fit in this since I also have a technical question / assistance required if anyone is willing to help. Anyways, I just recently started playing oblivion again and am remembering why it sucked so much of my time away especially after going mod happy on the various sites, but somewhere along the way of my grabbing mods that I liked or thought might be interesting have botched my game. So with a new install and reload of my mods and turning them on one by one through trial and error of trying to get them all to work without any crashing have forgotten the original load order I had been using and can't seem to get it working right. If anyone can give me any assistance on a good load order for the below mod list I would much appreciate it as well as any ideas for other mods I may have over looked to add to my collection. "I mainly prefer minor mods: houses/quests/rare weapons to go spelunking for ^_^"


Thanks in advance to anyone who reads this or offers any assistance.


Antares Visual Enchantments

Armamentarium v1.1 -armor - katanas -staffs

Adonnay's Classical Weaponry

At home alchemy v1.1

Ayleid Meteoric Weapons v1.1

Book Placing v1.2

Deadly Reflex 5

Harvest Flora

Hoarfrost castle

Illumination Within

Leviathan Soul gems

More Effective Enchantments

Myths and Legends 2

Natural Environments

Quest Award Leveler

Reznod Mannequins

Spell Delete

Wyrm Fang


And I don't use many O mod's as I don't know how to convert the plug-ins I get into Omod format but I do have omods for:


Oblivion XP

DarkUId - darn

Elven Map Redux

Atmospheric Loading Screens

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hi helfira, you dont have too many installed yet, but it helps to use BOSS (better oblivion sorting software) which reorders everything for you, and mabye also Wyre Bash which works with BOSS to merge things for better integration, among alotof other things


what do you mean about trying to make omod's from plugins?


btw theres a Deadly Reflex 6 beta now if you wanto try it, Ive not used 5 so cant tell what the main improvements are


also with your map, ive gone for TWCWM over the Elven ones if you wanto check it out

Edited by nisen
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Thanks for the info, Ill def check them out, and as for what I was meaning with the O mod's is somewhere in the read-me "I forget where" it says that you can create an O mod version of a plug-in so that it can be easily removed and reapplied "more specifically for ones that involve re-textures/ new mesh's". It had a bunch of info on writing like a script and other stuff for the mod but "psh" I can't even edit my dark UI .xml configs so I can save my HUD settings let alone script a mod lol...


Edit: And I do have more mods or rather "additions" to the regular game space I made myself, but they are varying things like altering the arboretum in the University and other various "personal" tweaks in areas I felt lacking. Hence why I didn't list them because there isn't any way someone else could figure out where it would fit within the list without knowledge of them. :P

Edited by helfira
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Edit: And I do have more mods or rather "additions" to the regular game space I made myself, but they are varying things like altering the arboretum in the University and other various "personal" tweaks in areas I felt lacking. Hence why I didn't list them because there isn't any way someone else could figure out where it would fit within the list without knowledge of them. :P


so your skill levels medium/high with modding, mines low/medium, but can make most things into omod's if not too complicated. Out of curiosity have you personally installed any of the omod's youve got active, as in click create, add archive/add folder etc, or were they allready omods and just needed activation. btw, most mod instructions dont mention if it can be turned into an omod if its simple enough to go straight the data foder, but those are just as safe to install as an omod (if you like the ability to remove them easily)


I can't even edit my dark UI .xml configs so I can save my HUD settings let alone script a mod lol...


lol this is where my low skilz show up, not sure what the .xml configs are, but also interested in any tips on configuring DarN menus

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"so your skill levels medium/high with modding"


Lol, I wish, as far as I know how to use the CS is for adding and creating clones of objects from scratch like empty chests etc and slightly editing loot tables, other then that I just know the basic object placement and things like door scripting for making housing and dungeons, nothing advanced like quests etc, wish I did though...


As to the UI settings, yeah I don't get most of it and never mess with it to try and figure it out for fear of breaking it and needing to reinstall my games, I know where the x-y positions are in the xml's but not to which string is connected to which element on the HUD i.e. reticle compass etc... So if anyone else knows how to do that too and wouldn't mind giving some pointers or a link to somewhere that can explain it, I would appreciate it as well, I've Googled till my thumbs bled the letters xml to no avail. :wallbash:

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also with your map, ive gone for TWCWM over the Elven ones if you wanto check it out


And thanks for the ref downloaded and am loving the new map, The elven one was a bit bright but I think I may need to edit the image of the ap to make some of the writing on the map a bit brighter cause it can be a tiny bit difficult to read at times on some of the road names "I'm a sucker for aesthetics :biggrin: "

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Below is a pic of my HUD, also using HUD Status Bars, for DarkUI'd DarN.




This is the hudmainmenu_config.xml if you're interested in comparing settings I've adjusted to the defaults. Then you can modify even further to fit your personal taste.


	Rewrite from BTMod config by Beider

<rect name="darnui_settings">
<_configversion> 1.4 </_configversion>

<!-- The values below will set a global zoom and alpha value for all hud elements (def. 50,255,255) -->
<_hudscale> 50 </_hudscale>	
<_gfx_hudalpha> 255 </_gfx_hudalpha>
<_txt_hudalpha> 255 </_txt_hudalpha>

<!-- Sneak Eye (def. 305,-18,1) -->
<_sneak_x> 405 </_sneak_x>
<_sneak_y> -18 </_sneak_y>
<_sivisible> 1 </_sivisible>

<!-- Crosshair (def. 1,0) -->
<_chvisible> 1 </_chvisible>
<_ch3rdperson> 0 </_ch3rdperson>

<!-- Enemy Health Bar (def. 1) -->
<_ehbvisible> 1 </_ehbvisible>

<!-- Hide essential status of characters (def. 0) -->
<_hide_essential> 0 </_hide_essential>

<!-- Notices (def. 1,15,15,1,0) -->
<_msg> 1 </_msg>
<_msg_x> 15 </_msg_x>
<_msg_y> 15 </_msg_y>
<_msg_gi> 1 </_msg_gi>
<_msg_ca> 0 </_msg_ca>

<!-- STATUS BARS -->

<!-- Show status bars (def. 1) -->
<_sbvisible> 1 </_sbvisible>

<!-- X / Y adjustments (def. 100,-15) -->
<_statusallx> 505 </_statusallx>
<_statusally> -15 </_statusally>

<!-- Fade as bars fill up (def. 0) -->
<_status_autofade> 0 </_status_autofade>

<!-- Cutoff percentage [10-190](def. 100)
When the status bars should disappear. If they are at 120, you will see 20% alpha when they are full,
set this to 80, and you won't see the bar until the bar in question is below 80% full.
Works with _status_autofade = 1 -->
<_sbco> 100 </_sbco>

<!-- HP BAR TEXT Overridden -->

<!-- TEXT FRONT -->
<_hptextfvisible> 1 </_hptextfvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<_hptextfsvisible> 1 </_hptextfsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<!-- TEXT -->
<_hptextvisible> 1 </_hptextvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->

<!-- % TEXT -->
<_hppectvisible> &false; </_hppectvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<!-- % SHADOW -->
<_hppectsvisible> &false; </_hppectsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->

<!-- what should the text in front say -->
<_hpfronttext> HP </_hpfronttext> <!-- DEFAULT : HP -->

<!-- what should the text behind say -->
<_hppecttext> % </_hppecttext> <!-- DEFAULT : % -->

<!-- Adjust the position of the front text -->
<_hptextx> 45 </_hptextx> <!-- DEFAULT : 45 -->
<_hptexty> -9 </_hptexty> <!-- DEFAULT : -9 -->

<!-- Space between front text and the number -->
<_hpfrontspace> 138 </_hpfrontspace> <!-- DEFAULT : 38 -->

<!-- Space between the number and the % -->
<_hppectspace> 3 </_hppectspace> <!-- DEFAULT : 3 -->

<!-- Set the font -->
<_hptextfont> 3 </_hptextfont> <!-- DEFAULT : 3 -->

<!-- Adjust the text -->
<_hptextred> 255 </_hptextred> <!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->
<_hptextgreen> 0 </_hptextgreen> <!-- DEFAULT : 150 -->
<_hptextblue> 0 </_hptextblue> <!-- DEFAULT : 150 -->
<_hptextalpha> 255 </_hptextalpha> <!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->

<!-- MAGICA BAR overridden -->

<!-- TEXT FRONT -->
<_matextfvisible> &false; </_matextfvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<_matextfsvisible> &false; </_matextfsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<!-- TEXT -->
<_matextvisible> &false; </_matextvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<!-- SHADOW -->
<_matextsvisible> &false; </_matextsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<!-- % TEXT -->
<_mapectvisible> &false; </_mapectvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<!-- % SHADOW -->
<_mapectsvisible> &false; </_mapectsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->

<!-- what should the text in front say -->
<_mafronttext> MA </_mafronttext> <!-- DEFAULT : MA -->

<!-- what should the text behind say -->
<_mapecttext> % </_mapecttext> <!-- DEFAULT : % -->

<!-- Adjust the position of the front text -->
<_matextx> 45 </_matextx> <!-- DEFAULT : 45 -->
<_matexty> -9 </_matexty> <!-- DEFAULT : -9 -->

<!-- Space between front text and the number -->
<_mafrontspace> 38 </_mafrontspace> <!-- DEFAULT : 38 -->

<!-- Space between the number and the % -->
<_mapectspace> 5 </_mapectspace> <!-- DEFAULT : 5 -->

<!-- Set the font -->
<_matextfont> 3 </_matextfont> <!-- DEFAULT : 3 -->

<!-- Adjust the text-->
<_matextred> 150 </_matextred> <!-- DEFAULT : 150 -->

<_matextgreen>	150 </_matextgreen> <!-- DEFAULT : 150 -->

<_matextblue> 255 </_matextblue> <!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->

<_matextalpha> 255 </_matextalpha> <!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->

							  FATIGUE BAR overridden

<!-- TEXT FRONT -->
<_fatextfvisible> &false; </_fatextfvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<_fatextfsvisible> &false; </_fatextfsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<!-- TEXT -->
<_fatextvisible> &false; </_fatextvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<!-- SHADOW -->
<_fatextsvisible> &false; </_fatextsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<!-- % TEXT -->
<_fapectvisible> &false; </_fapectvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->
<!-- % SHADOW -->
<_fapectsvisible> &false; </_fapectsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &true; -->

<!-- what should the text in front say -->
<_fafronttext> FA </_fafronttext> <!-- DEFAULT : FA -->

<!-- what should the text behind say -->
<_fapecttext> % </_fapecttext> <!-- DEFAULT : % -->

<!-- Adjust the position of the front text -->
<_fatextx> 45 </_fatextx> <!-- DEFAULT : 45 -->
<_fatexty> -9 </_fatexty> <!-- DEFAULT : -9 -->

<!-- Space between front text and the number -->
<_fafrontspace> 38 </_fafrontspace> <!-- DEFAULT : 38 -->

<!-- Space between the number and the % -->
<_fapectspace> 5 </_fapectspace> <!-- DEFAULT : 5 -->

<!-- Set the font -->
<_fatextfont> 3 </_fatextfont> <!-- DEFAULT : 3 -->

<!-- Adjust the text-->
<_fatextred> 150 </_fatextred> <!-- DEFAULT : 150 -->
<_fatextgreen> 255 </_fatextgreen> <!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->
<_fatextblue> 150 </_fatextblue> <!-- DEFAULT : 150 -->
<_fatextalpha> 255 </_fatextalpha> <!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->


<!-- Show? (def. 1) -->
<_wep_visible> 1 </_wep_visible>

<!-- Position (def. 15,-15) -->
<_wepx> 940 </_wepx>
<_wepy> -15 </_wepy>

<!-- Repair warning - % value that weapon should be faded at (def. 40) -->
<_wepalphapre> 40 </_wepalphapre>

<!-- Weapon ammo text -->

<!-- offsets (def. 35,0) -->
<_waox> 35 </_waox>
<_waoy> 0 </_waoy>

<!-- font, colors (def. 2,254,244,183,) -->
<_waf> 2 </_waf>
<_war> 254 </_war>
<_wag> 244 </_wag>
<_wab> 183 </_wab>

							 MAGIC ICON

<!-- Show? (def. 1) -->
<_miv> 1 </_miv>

<!-- X / Y (def. 55,-15) -->
<_mix> 450 </_mix>
<_miy> -15 </_miy>


<!-- Show? (def. 1) -->
<_cv> 1 </_cv>

<!-- Width - [50-300] (def. 300) -->
<_cw> 300 </_cw>

<!-- Position (def. 0,-15) -->
<_cx> 0 </_cx>
<_cy> -15 </_cy>

<!-- Distance in feet at which poi icons begin to appear in the compass (def. 12000) -->
<_reveal> 12000 </_reveal> <!-- 1900 - 12000 -->

<!-- Show/hide poi icons (def. 1,1,1,1) -->
<_cshow_questtarget> 0 </_cshow_questtarget>
<_cshow_playermarker> 0 </_cshow_playermarker>
<_cshow_discovered> 1 </_cshow_discovered>
<_cshow_known> 1 </_cshow_known>

<!-- Show compass frame (def. 1) -->
<_cshow_frame> 0 </_cshow_frame>

<!-- compass background transparency [0-255] (def. 90) -->
<_c_backgroundalpha> 90 </_c_backgroundalpha>


<!-- Show? (def. 1) -->
<_liv> 1 </_liv>

<!-- Position (def. 355,-15) -->
<_lix> 345 </_lix>
<_liy> -15 </_liy>


<!-- Show ? (def. 1) -->
<_etvisible> 1 </_etvisible>

<!-- Position (def. -15,5) -->
<_aex> -15 </_aex>
<_aey> 5 </_aey>

<!-- Icon spacing (def. 10 )-->
<_aeis> 10 </_aeis>

<!-- Icons per row, set to 1 to make them go only vertical [1-8] (def. 8) -->
<_aeipr> 8 </_aeipr>

<!-- Show graphical timer? (def. 1) -->
<_arctimer> 1 </_arctimer>

<!-- Countdown text settings (def. 1,254,244,183,2) -->
<_showcdtext> 1 </_showcdtext>
<_aectr> 254 </_aectr>
<_aectg> 244 </_aectg>
<_aectb> 183 </_aectb>
<_aectf> 2 </_aectf>

<!-- X/Y adjustment for countdown text (def. 0,0)
Position is relative to just above and center of the effect icon
<_aectx> 0 </_aectx>
<_aecty> 0 </_aecty>


This is a new feature I implemented into the HUD. It allows you to have
warnings on your screen when you run low oh HP, MA, FA.

- Enable / Disable warnings
- Adjust the text, fonts, positions, colors.

COOL EFFECT (Credit to Cheeseness for this):

Set red to 255 and blue to 0 then

put the following text in green:

<copy> 255 </copy>
	<copy src="hudmain_health_full" trait="width"/>
	<div src="Imp_UI_Settings" trait="_hpbarmul"/>
	<div> 100 </div>

This will make the text go from yellow to red. So basically it will start on yellow at 100%
then go to more and more orange until 50% and then shift into complete red at 0%.

This code can also be used on Alpha settings to make stuff fade in / out depending on HP, magica or fatigue.
just replace hudmain_health_full with hudmain_magic_full or hudmain_fatigue_full


<!-- This decides at what % of HP the text becomes visible, set it to -1 to disable -->
<_hpwtextvisible> -1 </_hpwtextvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : -1 -->

<!-- what should the text say -->
<_hpwfronttext> Warning! HP Critical! </_hpwfronttext> <!-- DEFAULT : Warning! HP Critical! -->

<!-- Adjust the position of the text (def. 0,0) -->
<_hpwtextx> 0 </_hpwtextx>
<_hpwtexty> 0 </_hpwtexty>

<!-- Set the font -->
<_hpwtextfont> 2 </_hpwtextfont> <!-- DEFAULT : 2 -->

<!-- Adjust the text-->
<_hpwtextred> 255 </_hpwtextred> <!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->
<copy> 255 </copy>
	<copy src="hudmain_health_full" trait="width"/>
		<copy> 163 </copy>
		<mul src="HUDMainMenu" trait="_currentzoom" />
		<div> 100 </div>
	<mul> 100 </mul>
	<div> 100 </div>
</_hpwtextgreen> <!-- DEFAULT : Code above -->
<_hpwtextblue> 0 </_hpwtextblue> <!-- DEFAULT : 0 -->
<_hpwtextalpha> 255 </_hpwtextalpha> <!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->


This is a new feature I implemented into the HUD. It allows you to have
warnings on your screen when you run low oh HP, MA, FA.

- Enable / Disable warnings
- Adjust the text, fonts, positions, colors.


<!-- This decides at what % of MA the text becomes visible, set it to -1 to disable -->
<_mawtextvisible> -1 </_mawtextvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : -1 -->

<!-- SHADOW -->
<_mawtextsvisible> &true; </_mawtextsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &false; -->

<!-- what should the text say -->
<_mawfronttext> Magica is running low </_mawfronttext> <!-- DEFAULT : Magica is running low -->

<!-- Adjust the position of the text -->
<_mawtextx> 500 </_mawtextx> <!-- DEFAULT : 500 -->
<_mawtexty> -660 </_mawtexty> <!-- DEFAULT : -660 -->

<!-- Set the font -->
<_mawtextfont> 3 </_mawtextfont> <!-- DEFAULT : 2 -->

<!-- Adjust the text-->
<_mawtextred> 150 </_mawtextred> <!-- DEFAULT : 150 -->
<_mawtextgreen> 150 </_mawtextgreen> <!-- DEFAULT : 150 -->
<_mawtextblue> 255 </_mawtextblue> <!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->
<_mawtextalpha> 255 </_mawtextalpha> <!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->


This is a new feature I implemented into the HUD. It allows you to have
warnings on your screen when you run low oh HP, MA, FA.

- Enable / Disable warnings
- Adjust the text, fonts, positions, colors.


<!-- This decides at what % of FA the text becomes visible, set it to -1 to disable -->
<_fawtextvisible> -1 </_fawtextvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : -1 -->

<!-- SHADOW -->
<_fawtextsvisible> &true; </_fawtextsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &false; -->

<!-- what should the text say -->
<_fawfronttext> Fatigue is running low </_fawfronttext> <!-- DEFAULT : Fatigue is running low -->

<!-- Adjust the position of the text -->
<_fawtextx> 0 </_fawtextx> <!-- DEFAULT : 0 relative center screen -->
<_fawtexty> -620 </_fawtexty> <!-- DEFAULT : -620 -->

<!-- Set the font -->
<_fawtextfont> 3 </_fawtextfont> <!-- DEFAULT : 2 -->

<!-- Adjust the text-->
<_fawtextred> 150 </_fawtextred> 		<!-- DEFAULT : 150 -->
<_fawtextgreen> 255 </_fawtextgreen> 	<!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->
<_fawtextblue> 150 </_fawtextblue> 	<!-- DEFAULT : 150 -->
<_fawtextalpha> 255 </_fawtextalpha>	<!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->


This is a completely new feature I added to the HUD. The code for the durability
text was already here but I decided to make a bar as well.

This moves in relation to the weapon icon

<!-- Show? (def. 1) -->
<_durbarvisible> 1 </_durbarvisible>

<!-- The color of the texture, this is a bit tricky since the base is red (hp bar) -->
<_durbarr> 255 </_durbarr> <!-- DEFAULT : 50 -->
<_durbarg> 0 </_durbarg> <!-- DEFAULT : 50 -->
<_durbarb> 255 </_durbarb> <!-- DEFAULT : 50 -->


- Here you can adjust the text

	The shadows colors are linked
	The text colors are linked
	All fonts are linked

<!-- TEXT -->
<_durtextvisible> &false; </_durtextvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &false; -->
<!-- SHADOW -->
<_durtextsvisible> &false; </_durtextsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &false; -->
<!-- % TEXT -->
<_durpectvisible> &false; </_durpectvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &false; -->
<!-- % SHADOW -->
<_durpectsvisible> &false; </_durpectsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &false; -->
<!-- TEXT FRONT -->
<_durtextfvisible> &false; </_durtextfvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &false; -->
<_durtextfsvisible> &false; </_durtextfsvisible> <!-- DEFAULT : &false; -->

<!-- what should the text in front say -->
<_durfronttext> WHP: </_durfronttext> <!-- DEFAULT : WHP: -->

<!-- what should the text behind say -->
<_durpecttext> % </_durpecttext> <!-- DEFAULT : % -->

<!-- Adjust the position of the front text -->
<_durtextx> 0 </_durtextx> <!-- DEFAULT : 0 -->
<_durtexty> 4 </_durtexty> <!-- DEFAULT : 4 -->

<!-- Space between front text and the number -->
<_durfrontspace> 60 </_durfrontspace> <!-- DEFAULT : 60 -->

<!-- Space between the number and the % -->
<_durpectspace> 3 </_durpectspace> <!-- DEFAULT : 3 -->

<!-- Set the font -->
<_durtextfont> 3 </_durtextfont> <!-- DEFAULT : 3 -->

<!-- Adjust the text-->
<_durtextred> 157 </_durtextred> <!-- DEFAULT : 157 -->
<_durtextgreen> 74 </_durtextgreen> <!-- DEFAULT : 74 -->
<_durtextblue> 67 </_durtextblue> <!-- DEFAULT : 67 -->
<_durtextalpha> 255 </_durtextalpha> <!-- DEFAULT : 255 -->

						  (def. 1,-15,-15,1,&center;)

<_showlocinfo> 0 </_showlocinfo>
<_showlocframe> 0 </_showlocframe>
<!-- _locAlignment governs the text alignment for the Location info. It will expand
		beyond the frame, so turn that off. -->
<_locAlignment> &center; </_locAlignment>
<_lx> -15 </_lx>
<_ly> -15 </_ly>


This section is just here to allow quick and easy change of textures for skinners.

<_darnback> Faders\black.dds </_darnback>
<_hudback> Textures\DarkUI\menus\HUD\hud_backdui.dds </_hudback>
<_hudframe> HUD\hud_frame.dds </_hudframe>
<_hudxboxlt> HUD\hud_xbox_lt.dds </_hudxboxlt>
<_hudxboxrt> HUD\hud_xbox_rt.dds </_hudxboxrt>

<_ribbonslider> Shared\ribbon_slider.dds </_ribbonslider>

<_hudribbonhpe> HUD\hud_ribbon_health_empty.dds </_hudribbonhpe>
<_hudribbonhpf> HUD\hud_ribbon_health_full.dds </_hudribbonhpf>

<_hudribbonmae> HUD\hud_ribbon_magic_empty.dds </_hudribbonmae>
<_hudribbonmaf> HUD\hud_ribbon_magic_full.dds </_hudribbonmaf>

<_hudribbonfae> HUD\hud_ribbon_fatigue_empty.dds </_hudribbonfae>
<_hudribbonfaf> HUD\hud_ribbon_fatigue_full.dds </_hudribbonfaf>

<_huddurabilitye> HUD\hud_ribbon_health_empty.dds </_huddurabilitye>
<_huddurabilityf> HUD\hud_ribbon_health_full.dds </_huddurabilityf>

<_ihdw> Icons\icon_hud_default_weapon.dds </_ihdw>
<_ihdm> Icons\icon_hud_default_magic.dds </_ihdm>
<_ilu> Icons\icon_level_up.dds </_ilu>

<_hcf> darn\hud_compass_frame_darn_B.dds </_hcf>

<_mia> Icons\Map\map_icons_all.dds </_mia>
<_hcg> HUD\hud_compass_goal.dds </_hcg>

<_hcfa> HUD\hud_compass_face.dds </_hcfa>
<_wmai> Map\world_map_arrow_icon.dds </_wmai>



Edited by Smooth613
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That's almost exactly how I configure my UI every time I load my game up except everything is based in the lower left corner, so I should only have to modify one of the 2 planes to make it work, thank you very much. Will def make my life a lot easier with editing the xml.
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