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Take your children out Mod?


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Not really sure if this has already been done but how about a mod that lets you take your children out. I've always noticed that they say that "mama" or "pa" had taken them out to the shopping district or promised to take them out fishing, hunting, etc. I've never modded, but why not ask someone else.


My suggestion is literally to just make areas around, not sure if you should be able to get to them by map, but make a fishing area, a forest, anything, just to take out your child and spend time with them?

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You can take them to major cities I suppose? There's children follower mods like: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23030/?

I mean, that's okay, but I was thinking more of a "scene", like it fasttravels you to another location, and from there you can sit, play, fish, shop with your child.


Ofcourse, for anyone else reading this and wants this to happen, you could also use the child follower mod + the mod that makes them walk beside you, but it won't really be like what I suggested.

Edited by Feiicchi
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