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Starting a new character class


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edit. Hi when I change the character class using the console after exiting the sewer grate, it resets all the skill points and removes any ive gained. Is that sapposed to happen, and is there a way to block it, to add the points to a new class? Would seem you have to stick to the class from the start of the game not to lose any progress Edited by nisen
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Many of you may want to change your character's looks later on in the game after the initial sewer exit adjustments. The showracemenu function allows you to do this, but will reset many of your skills if you ever press "Done" after adjusting your character. Why? I don't know. You must be careful with this...the correct way to change you character's features using the showracemenu:


1.) Save your game first. Make a seperate manual save.

2.) Open console (~) and type showracemenu

2.) Make your changes

3.) After making your changes and with the console still open, hit ESC and make another manual save.

4.) Then load up that new save and check your stats/skills and make sure they're the same.


Whatever you do, DO NOT EVER press Done. If you already screwed this up, hopefully you have a save you can revert back to. Otherwise you will have to use other console cheats to get your stats back up and it's a rather tedious process.

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1.) Save your game first. Make a seperate manual save.

2.) Open console (~) and type showracemenu

2.) Make your changes

3.) After making your changes and with the console still open, hit ESC and make another manual save.

4.) Then load up that new save and check your stats/skills and make sure they're the same.


Whatever you do, DO NOT EVER press Done.


thanks Quaxalot, ill give step 3 and 4 a go with editing the class stats. Will update with results

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wow that works perfectly. It not only keeps the previous skill points, but overrides the game systems minimium 25 on the major skills and only rearranges the placement of the new majors and minors. Exactly what I was hoping to do.


thankyou Sir Quaxalot


also adding to the instructions above, applicable to editing showclassmenu:


1.) you can start choosing the custom class with the console still open (but can also close it straight away)

2.) to name the new class, you need to close to console to transfer keyboard access for it

3.) to save it, you need to open the console again to activate the option to save it after pressing esc


So: open console / show ... / customise / close console / name it / open console / esc -Save

Edited by nisen
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