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Blind is blind


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I have a blind character and find it really annoying to just turn my monitor off to have the feeling of a blind character, because i really can't see anything. So could anyone out there make a mod that makes blind characters blind but still gives them the abillity to "see" when someone is talking or walks/runs/whatever and a shout that makes the silhouetes of your surroundings visible for a short time? If yes, that would be really awesome for immersion. :smile:

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Somebody posted a mod that was supposed to fix a "blindness effect". He said that through some bug, his character had acquired the perk that makes falmer blind. Can't recall wheter that was just something affecting the character's eyes, or wheter he really couldn't see anything in first person mode.

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Somebody posted a mod that was supposed to fix a "blindness effect". He said that through some bug, his character had acquired the perk that makes falmer blind. Can't recall wheter that was just something affecting the character's eyes, or wheter he really couldn't see anything in first person mode.


Wasn't that an april fools mod? (added: 29/3/2013 one day before april fools he probably made it public the day after)

Edited by Noortje
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There's a mod around which restores the underwater blur removed by using one of the water improvement mods. Green Water Fix, I think. I don't know the first thing about modding, but that's the sort of effect I think you're going for. It naturally wouldn't be fully blind, but would be enough to make life very difficult.. It might be possible, I have no idea, to make it so that there's blur only on one side or the other depending if your character is blind in one eye or both.

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