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Alternate moons for Skyrim

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Hey everyone,

I am still fairly new to releasing my mods for Skyrim. I did some Dwemer pipes and True Elk of Skyrim. But I have been modding the game for three years and making my own mods for the same amount of time. Not to mention quite a selection of meshes that I have made in MAX, most are buildings and will get uploaded soon. I just felt that I have all these things I have made and that it might be time to share them. So whats this all about. I am thinking of releasing the moon textures I use in Skyrim. I do have an extensive history with making planetary textures for the now old and most forgotten open source astronomy program called Celestia. I used my texture of Earth clouds, and I might add has been used in a few movies, although I did not get credited for it because they were open source images. I also used hoevelkamp's Mars - just add water picture, http://hoevelkamp.deviantart.com/art/Mars-just-add-water-100682012 , fully free to use as long as he gets credited. I Photoshopped the image to make it match up a bit with what Masser looks like, as it is based on Mars anyway, and then added atmospherics and glow to it. I also created a totally new Secunda texture, one that is a bit brighter than the original but also has hints of the dark maria we see on our moon. Have a Look.





This is what my Masser looks like in game.




What I want to know is if I should even release these textures. I know the "Lore Hounds" will jump on me because Masser is supposed to be dead, but personally wanted something much grander in the sky and this is what I came up with. So basically I hopping to get some feedback and that will determine whether I release them or not. Also I still need to touch up the gibbous phases of the moons as the terminator edge is a bit to sharp and should have a bit more of a gradient to it. All coments are welcome as is all feed back. Thanks for looking.


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Well, judging objectively this is well done.


If you would want that in your game is a matter of taste. I would rather not use it. Not because of the lore, I do not care that much for lore, but because I would like it to remain moon-like.


Seriously, if it is the anticipation of lore hounds barking up your comment section which is stopping you from releasing this, then just go for it and let them do what they do. I am sure there are a lot of people who would enjoy your retexture.

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