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Crash at Fort Bannisher


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correction: *Fort Bannister*


Every time I get near Fort Bannister .. my game crashes.


I had a bunch of mods installed. but even when I turned off all mods .. it stills crashes.


I had been to Fort Bannister once with no problem .. but now I just can't get near it ... =(

it seems like it has problem loading an object ..

when I get to a specific distance .. it tries to load objects far away and then it crashes ..


what's causing this and how can I do to fix this?


ADD: I removed all mods, all folders in Data (textures + meshes) .. game still crashes when I get near ... I cannot understand how this is possible. a corrupted cell even without any mod (I do have all the DLCs though)? what can I do to fix that cell?

Edited by yic17
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