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Blender Trouble


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Well, I have recently been put on a mission to create a mod with custom meshes, created in Blender. After watching and reading through several tutorials, I thought it would be smooth sailing after getting the basic gist and having a whale of a time playing with the several hundred buttons. Obviously this was not meant to be.


After learning to import/export .nif files into Blender, I thought that the best idea would be to edit a pre-existing mesh, just to see what I could do. Unfortunately, of the several options for import I have in the drop down menu, .nif is not included on either import or export.


My question is as thus: Why? Why is there no .nif option, and what can I do to remedy this.


Thanks in advance to anyone who reads/replies to this. It's really bugging me.



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I have. I've got the Blender .nif scripts, PyFFI, Python... I've got the latest Blender, version 2.7.1 of Python and I even tried reinstalling PyQT via a separate download. Nothing seems to work.


And Blender doesn't seem to recognise that I've installed Python about a half dozen times, either. I keep getting a black box saying that some scripts won't work, but it's 'continuing happily'.

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