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conversation between two npc's not working for me


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Add an OnActivate block to their object scripts so you can make them non-activatable during the conversation. Once you invoke an OnActivate block, an object will not activate unless it hits the command 'Activate' in the code block.

In retrospect, I probably should have thought of that. I can add a result script to turn off the variable at the last topic of the conversation. But this type of semaphore makes me nervous. If the player does somehow interfere with the conversation (shooting one of the NPCs?) then the conversation might abort, the variable would never be unset, and then the player would be unable to talk to the NPCs at all. Is there any way to avoid that? Say, to add another way to turn off this variable after 30 sec? Perhaps that is a silly concern which would never happen in practice.


You can add a BEGIN OnDeath block to your NPC scripts to reset the variable if they die, and/or have a timer triggered in the quest script when the conversation starts that resets the variable after a time.

You can also just do disable player controls if this conversation is critical to the quest, so the player can't interrupt at all - or leave the cell and screw up the timing more. Place a trigger when the player gets into position that also triggers the conversation, perhaps.

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