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Archery problem


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Well, I have checked a few videos about archery on Oblivion, and it certainly isn't like this:








My mods (Just in case):



Does anyone knows why it seems like my arms are way ahead of where they are supposed to be?

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Yeah. You installed an animation replacer, Deadly Reflex 6. Deadly Reflex 6 replaces the first person animations with 3rd person animations to give an immersive first person view, and it works really well. There are some clipping issues in certain situations, and yes archery is one of them. However I have DR 6 installed and my archery is not near that bad and is still very usable and actually I'm so used to the DR 6 style of 1st person now I could never go back to vanilla.


There are some settings you can adjust in the Oblivion.ini to help with these clipping issues but even at default I never had it clip as badly as what your shots are showing. Read the DR 6 ReadMe and then you should also read the Official Release and Bug Report Thread. Remember, DR 6 is still a BETA. It's amazing how many people don't seem to quite understand what a BETA release is. When you download and use BETA releases and have strange issues the first place you should look is the BETA thread. I can assure you this and many other issues you'll run across have already been documented, and in some cases have fixes.


If you're going to use a BETA be ready for bugs, visual anomalies, crashes, etc... Then you need to report them in the proper thread so the author of the mod can address such issues. These issues go unseen when every Joe Blow makes a random thread across the vast internets about their problem. That's why there is a dedicated thread that the author keeps an eye on and mentions in the ReadMe.


**Edit** I just wanted to add a screenshot to show how my view looks in first-person with an arrow drawn. I like it and think it's pretty much spot on to what holding a bow should be like. If you've ever shot, or even drawn, a bow this is almost exactly the perspective you have.


First-Person -- Arrow drawn. Click to enlarge and again for full size.



Ogre - RAWR!


Edited by Smooth613
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Well, thank you for your detailed answer :) !


I have modified the .INI file and now it looks a lot better.

And yeah, I should have read the instructions on the mod first. This is the first time I play Oblivion and I wanted to play it fast, so I just installed everything manually. Now I have learned my lesson and I use OMM to create OMOD files :P


Thanks a lot!

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