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All I want to do is make my mesh's feet shuffle forward.


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It sounds like your making a cool thing. I hope you make it work right.

cant you just weight everything 50-50 to the pelvis and spine bone or something? excetp for the leg parts so it will walk like the protectron does but not have moving arms or anything.


you would have some collision meshes moving around tho , as long as you dont mind that.

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I thought it would be interesting to try that out, so I just went in and modified my protectorn nif. then i noticed something weird.


I had wondered earlier while playing, why primm slim just stands there next to the rollercoaster in primm.


well the altered protectrons i used seemed to work normally as far as vats and dismemberment went, but they never would shoot at me or walk around. they didnt have any animation for combat.

I thought that it must have something to do with the change i made to it although i didnt expect it not to work.


Then i started wondering about it cause when i attacked primm slim who has a completely separate vanilla nif file, he behaved the same way and never moved.


So i guess in my vanilla game, protectrons cant walk or attack anything. thats pretty weird.

Maybe in NV they are lacking some animation files. I would prefer if my protectrons can walk.


I guess if i can fix the problem by importing files from fo3 or something i will let u know about it.

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This is so ridiculous.

I added the skeleton, exported to an nif file, and the mesh doesn't show up in the geck....

I repeat, this is so ridiculous.


How do I get my mesh to show up? Do I have to do something special besides just exporting it?

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i guess you can make sure that you have the bsshaderflags set right in bsshaderpplightingproperty of your nitrishape/


should be sf_zbuffer_test, sf_shadow_map, sf_empty, sf_unknown_31




Well seems like i jumped the gun a bit. didnt realise most of the protectrons on the creature list are from fo3.

I found one type. helios statis protectron that moves properly.

So the modified nif with everything but the legs weighted 50-50 to the pelvis and spine works just fine. escept that theres some kinda glowy dome thingy on its head that moves back and forth.


so anyway if u want to make something like a power droid like in star wars or whatever it should work fine.

Edited by baduk
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